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Lea's POV

the next few days were full of amendments.

Naya - 8h: iMessage (5)

Naya: Are you sure?
Naya: I don't want to...
Naya: You know. Provoke her when she's not ready to talk about it.
Naya: I don't know.
Naya: Are you asleep? Goodnight baby.

I sighed, leaning back onto the bed, rubbing my eyes. I checked the time again, and upon seeing that it was 9am, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and got up. Demi was already up and was nowhere to be seen, so I padded over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed.

Lea: Ny trust me
Lea: she misses you a hell of a lot
Lea: seriously
Lea: like
Lea: she'd be ecstatic if you reached out to her
Lea: i wouldn't tell you this if it wasn't true you know?

I ran a cool shower, stripped down and got in. my phone buzzed a few times from its place by the sink, each signaling a new text.

Naya was still staying in the apartment. she was lonely, and she missed Demi and I.

and Demi missed Naya too.

but neither of them believed me when I told them the other was missing them.

I got out of the shower, put my clothes on and wrapped my hair up in a towel. then, I picked my phone up to check what it said.

Naya - 15m: iMessage (5)
Lauren - 19m: iMessage (4)

I called Naya first.



"good morning to you too, Lea."

"good morning. sorry. but seriously Naya, please talk to her. she's missing you a lot."

"I don't know... I don't want to annoy her."

"Naya, please?" I almost pleaded, keeping my voice down. "she misses you. it's subtle, but it's there. you know how she is with emotions. you won't be annoying her at all."

"I just... I... f---. uh, are you guys doing anything today?" Naya asked hesitantly, and I had to stop myself from cheering.

"no. Demi's been staying in all day."

"writing?" she asked, almost sounding guilty, and I felt bad for her.


"oh," she muttered under her breath. "okay. um, I'll reach out to her sometime today, I think."

a smile tugged at the corners of my minty fresh mouth. "okay!"



"I'm sorry for putting you through this."

I perched on the side of the unmade bed, the sheets where I'd left them. "it's okay," I said softly. "it happens to the best of us."

Naya chuckled on the other side of the phone. "you and Lauren all good now?"

"all good," I confirmed, a smile reappearing on my face as I remembered I had texts from her to read later.

"that's so great to hear," Naya said. "I'm gonna make a run to get some more food and after I get back I'll talk to Demi. sounds good?"

"sounds good. I'll talk to you later then?"

"yup. have fun!"

"thank you, baby."

and with a click, she was gone.

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