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I looked over at Demi, who was staring up at the house in front of us. her breaths were shaky, and she bit her lip as her eyes roamed the familiar area. it was funny how we'd only been away for a while, but it was already feeling so strange to be back.

"as ready as I'll ever be," Demi said as she took a deep breath and began to walk to the door. keeping a tight hold on Buddy's carrier, I followed her up the path to the front door, pausing to hitch my bag further up my shoulder. the two steps up to the familiar door.

Demi looked terrified. she swallowed, hard, and kept a firm grip on the bags she was holding. her eyes darted from one spot to another, like a deer caught in headlights. reaching over, I placed my hand on top of hers, and gave it a quick squeeze. then, I leant over her and pressed the doorbell.

when the door opened, everything seemed to become a dream as Naya stepped out, her warm brown eyes meeting mine first then she stepped forward to give me a tight hug. and then, she stood up to see Demi watching us, and the world slowed to let Naya step forward, brushing her fingers across Demi's cheek softly. her hand moved to touch Demi's lips, watching them part slowly. and then her lips were on hers, gently, slowly, lovingly. again, they're in harmony, the way their lips move but don't speak, where their hearts collide but don't touch.

Demi pulls back to rest her forehead on Naya's, as Naya kisses her once more and whispers, "welcome home".

and then finally, I felt like I was home.


Dinah - 1m: iMessage (2)
Ally - 5m: iMessage (2)
Lauren - 5m: iMessage (6)

when my alarm went off the next morning, it was almost surreal to be waking up in my bed back home, and not next to Demi in Taylor's king sized guest bed. don't get me wrong, it was comfy as hell, but I preferred the feeling of my own bed a lot better.

it was nearly 10am, which, in my opinion, was way too early for me to be awake considering that Demi and Naya 'making up' had kept me up until 3am while I desperately blasted music through my headphones. rolling out of bed, I couldn't hear anyone outside, so I assumed that the two of them were still asleep. I opened the room door to let Buddy in, and padded towards the bathroom to get ready for the day while checking the messages that the girls had sent earlier.

Lauren: Lea Lea
Lauren: Lea Lea Lea
Lauren: tour is overrrr
Lauren: and we're all in your area
Lauren: wanna hang out?
Ally: yeah Lea let's meet up!!
Lauren: netflix & chill? IM KIDDIGN
Dinah: woah girl. we get you but be a bit subtle will you? lol
Dinah: i didn't say anything!!

after rinsing my mouth out, and trying to figure out what Dinah meant by asking Lauren to be subtle (but failing to work it out), I typed out a reply to them.

Lea: idk what dinah and ally are talking about but yeah sure! where and when?
Lea: tf
Normani: dinah you need to lay off the coffee ;)
Ally: Dinah you really do
Normani: we're free today if you are?
Lea: sure!
Normani: how about after lunch?
Camila: we have the hugest hotel suite booked to reward us lmao
Camila: but if you wanna come over we can hang out there bc they have the best sound system and the prettiest tv
Lea: sounds good!! if one of you could text me the address that'd be cool
Normani: on it!

in the kitchen, I'd just put my phone down to grab my mug out of the cupboard when my phone buzzed against the countertop again.

Lauren: yeah DJ lay off the goddamn coffee.
Dinah: okay okay sorry girl i didn't mean to

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