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"so, Matt, huh?" Naya said the next morning, stirring her coffee.

"yes," I said. "he's really nice."

"I know, honey," Naya said. "you said that five times already."

a scarlet color flushed across my cheeks like paint in water, and I dipped my head down to stir my hot chocolate.

Naya snorted.

"what are we doing today?" I asked, eager to change the subject.

"well," Naya said as she bit back a smile. "I was thinking we could go pick up some puppy supplies?"

my eyes must've lit up, because Naya laughed. "yes!" I said. "yes, yes, yes!"

"come on, then," she said, drinking the rest of her coffee. "let's go."

downing the rest of my hot chocolate, I practically ran back upstairs to get ready, Naya's floating laughter following me up the stairs.

as Naya and I drove to the pet shop, I looked at the photo of the dog again. the small puppy, completely white, was curled up in a small ball, sleeping, peace completely evident on his tiny face. one of his paws was facing upwards as he slept, the almost fragile, tender pink pawprint peeking out from a mass of curly white fur. I couldn't wait to know how it'd feel like to hold him, to cuddle him close.

maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't feel so lonely all the time anymore.

Naya parked the car, and we made our way into the pet shop. immediately, we were greeted by rows upon rows of accessories and supplies for dogs, cats, rabbits... all the domestic house pets. brightly colored leashes and collars stood out, waiting to be picked, and shelves of dog food seemed to greet us. I followed Naya around as we listed things that we were going to need. food and water bowls, collars, a leash, food, a bed, a carrier, and Demi was already talking about buying clothes for him. it was mutually agreed that we'd leave that to her.

an hour or so later, we exited the shop with bags of puppy accessories, all carefully chosen by me and color-coordinated by Naya. as we began to put the bags in the back of the car, she caught my eye and grinned. I found myself smiling back, the excitement becoming more and more real as it began to hit us that we'd be getting the puppy we'd been waiting for ages to get.

"lunch?" Naya asked as we began to drive out of the parking lot.

"okay," was my reply as I looked out of the tinted window, watching the city come to view.

"what do you want to get?"

I was about to reply until my phone buzzed, and I looked down to see that I'd gotten a text message. from none other than Taylor.

"um, what about that one restaurant that you and Demi go to a lot whenever you guys are in central LA?" I asked as I unlocked my phone to read it.

Naya smiled, making a left turn. "sounds good to me."

Taylor: Hey Lea! I'm in LA right now and I'll be here for a week. If you, Demi and Naya would like to go out shopping or anything, let me know. I'd love to meet up with you three.

I smiled at the screen, overjoyed that Taylor was in town. I loved spending time with her. she made me feel protected, like she was an older sister.

like Katelyn used to be.

Lea: hey!! that sounds good! i'll check with them and let you know later?
Taylor: Sure. See you!

"Naya," I said. "Taylor wants to know if you and Demi wanna hang out."

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