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tw // ED and abuse

by the third day back "home", I felt terrible. if I was being blunt, I just felt like dying.

I was tired, hungry, cranky, and extremely scared of Mom. everything she said I had to do, I immediately scurried off to do. I learnt my lesson when I forgot to do one of the tasks - and earned a sharp slap across the face. my cheek burned with pain, and my eyes burned with the tears.

the only thing I had eaten ever since I came back was an apple on the second day and today. but no one needs to know that.

I had to be strong on phone calls with Demi though - I didn't want her to start worrying about me.

"why can't you just call the police though?" Demi asked one time.

"I don't want people to know about this," I said. "if anyone leaks this information, everyone's going to know. there's going to be people shoving questions about my family in my face, and I just - I won't be able to take it."

"we've got the plan though," Demi said. "we just need a way to get you out."

there was silence as we thought for a while. my eyes travelled down to my wrists, where I had stacked some of my old bracelets on so I wouldn't see the scars and be triggered, especially if I happened to spend longer than I should in the bathroom. one of them was a rubber bracelet with 'Lovatic' on it. a couple of years back, one of Katelyn's friends had gone to a concert, and Katelyn got her to buy it so that she could give it to me. it's funny how things have changed - now Demi herself was trying to get me out of here.

"I could break a window round the back," I said.

"that was our worst case scenario, though..." Demi reminded me cautiously. "you'll get hurt. and remember what we said, there's a possibility that there's an alarm system. with double locks, she could do anything. the entire house could be bugged."

"Demi," I said, swallowing back tears. "I need to get out of here. if that's the only way, so be it. I can't do this anymore. everything's bringing back bad memories. I can't even walk into the kitchen without having flashbacks and even this stupid wall is making me remember things."

"right," I heard Demi getting up. "that's it. I can't just sit here and think about it anymore. I can't even think straight, trying to formulate some stupid plan to get you out unscathed or unharmed without knowing that you're safe home. I keep coming up with ridiculous ideas that will definitely not work. this isn't the time for careful planning. this has to happen as soon as possible. you know what, screw this show, screw this Adventure meet and greet prices drama shit. I'll be there tomorrow."


"don't say anything about me missing a show, okay? I'm not going to be able to do my best if I can't ensure that you're safe with me or safe with Naya. ugh, but the Lovatics. I need to come and get you, but I can't let the fans down. I can't do it, Lea. f--- this shit" a brief pause, then, "I got it. wait, I'm going to put Naya on." a crackle, a pause, then Naya came on.

"ello?" Naya greeted, a bit tiredly. who could blame her? it's something like 8am. she has a break from filming, and she's been sleeping in, but there's stress and she's probably exhausted.

"right, listen up, gorgeous. tonight after my show I fly out to New York, I'll rent a jet or get a last minute ticket or whatever. doesn't matter. I'll get here at like I don't know 3am or something, okay, we'll figure it out. then the both of us are driving to Uniondale f---ing immediately, and we get Lea. then I fly back for my show tomorrow night. sounds good?"

"... Demi, are you-" I began.

"sounds good????"

f---ing hell.

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