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it was the morning of my first rehearsal with Demi. it was also the first time I'd actually be talking to her personally.

I woke up in the contestants' mansion. we had three days to prepare for the four chair challenge. I could hear Tobias doing warm ups and the TV blaring outside. deciding I should probably start to get out of bed, I swung my legs out and went to wash up.

it was 9:30am and my rehearsal was at 10:15am. I walked into the kitchen to find Marie and Sephy drinking a pink milkshake thing straight out of the blender.

"morning, Lea," Sephy nodded.
"morning!" Marie squealed. Marie was a very shrieky person.

"morning, guys," I yawned as I made a cup of skinny mocha.

"no breakfast?" asked Sephy. "there's cereal in the cupboard."

"no, thanks," I told her. "I can't eat in the mornings."

at 10:00am, I left the mansion to walk over to the stage block, where we were going to rehearse.


this time, when I climbed the steps to the stage, it was completely quiet. there wasn't any crew, stagehands, anyone. I walked out onto the stage and saw Demi sitting on the edge all by herself. she was on her phone.

she looked up and saw me.

"hi, sweetie," Demi clambered to her feet and gave me a hug.

I returned the hug. "hi, Demi," I nearly squealed. my fangirl feels were all over the place.

we sat on the stage.

"so," Demi bit her lip. "we are going to play a game, okay?"

the corners of my mouth twitched up in amusement. Demi was always wanting to play.


"its like 20 Questions but if you're not comfortable talking about something you can just say so. is that okay? it's just something to get to know you better, you know?"

"yeah, of course!" who wouldn't want to play this game with Demi Lovato though.

"okay, favorite color?"

"fuchsia or purple or turquoise."

"favorite food?"

"um, err... teriyaki chicken?"

"I like teriyaki chicken."

and on it went. honestly, I was fangirling so hard I wasn't sure how I didn't pass out.

"fandoms you're in?" was Demi's 19th question.

"this is so awkward," I blushed.

"how are fandoms awkward?"

"I'm a Lovatic."

"aww! anything else?"

"Swiftie, Gleek and Harmonizer."

Demi rocked back. "this is so cute."


"it just is, Lea. it just is."

"what about you?" I asked her.

"Beyoncé, Kelly Clarkson... the works," she grinned.

she hopped up into her feet.

"let's get rehearsing."


hi hello sup welcome to the party

sorry for the insanely short chapter! you guys have been incredibly sweet and nice so far so thank you for that =]


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