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the day after Demi came back from her pool party promotions, we went to pick the puppy up. Demi, Naya and I drove there in the morning, and Demi, although tired, was practically bouncing up and down in her seat in excitement. Naya laughed as she made a turn, and we were there. Demi threw the door open and pulled her sunglasses on, then jumped out of the car before Naya or I had time to react.

"come on!" Demi said, coming back to the car and tugging me along. happily, I obliged, and we entered the building, Naya locking the car and following us.

about an hour later, we were going back into the car, the small white puppy cradled protectively by Demi. carefully, she sat down, holding the puppy like a baby. when Naya started the car and the engine jumped to life, making the puppy hide its face in fear. I watched as Demi bent down, shushing it gently. she rubbed its tiny head softly, as Naya began to drive after checking that it was okay.

"Demi," I said after about two minutes of driving. "can I hold him?"

Demi turned around in her seat to look at me, mock-scruntinizing. "pull your skirt over your lap first," she said.

I did as she said, and she leant over and placed the puppy into my outstretched arms. I pulled it towards me gently, feeling its small body tremble. it settled onto my lap after a few sniffs and probes with its nose. I couldn't help but let out a small "aww" at it.

Demi was literally slapping Naya's arm in excitement as she watched me with the puppy.

"lay it off," Naya winced.


ignoring them, I picked my phone up as quietly as possible, trying as hard as I could not to disturb it. I snapped a half-faced selfie, then uploaded to twitter with the caption "newest addition to our little family!" instantly, it was getting retweets and favorites, and people saying "PLEASE TELL ME THAT'S YOURS" and "AWWWWW"

as the tiny puppy drifted off to sleep, I rested my hand on its body and scrolled through my mentions, smiling at the excited replies. of course, there were the usual trolls, but most of the replies to my tweet were nice.

as we reached home, the puppy began to stand up and look out of the window, clambering for a better view.

"I have the perfect name for him," Demi said suddenly from the passenger seat.

"what is it?" I asked.

"Buddy. because he's going to be our little buddy wherever we go."

"Buddy," I murmured. the small white puppy turned to look at me, his ears perked, head tilted. I laughed, and he licked my face. "Buddy it is."

we got out of the car, and Naya, who hadn't got the chance to hold him properly yet because she was driving, carried him into the house. Demi unlocked the door, then bent down to coo at Buddy, kissing the top of his head. Naya watched her with love evident in her eyes, and they both went in, Demi holding the door until I hurried after them.

finally, we had the newest addition to our family. Buddy.


it's funny how quickly happiness turns to dust.

it's funny how people's love and joy turn to nothing but pure anger and rage in a matter of seconds.

it's funny how two people who once promised to treasure each other forever forget their promises to each other in a moment of rage.

I lied.

it's not funny. at all.

I turned the volume on my headphones up a notch, keeping a tight grip on Buddy. three weeks ago, we had happily brought him back home and we'd been a family. now, that was getting ripped apart with every word hurled by Demi and Naya, fighting out in the kitchen. I wished I had something to distract myself with - someone to talk to. but I'd pushed everyone away.

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