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May 2014

3rd May. first day of the Fifth Time's a Charm tour, last day of the Neon Lights Tour in Brazil.

when I got off the plane with Jamie, my new bodyguard, at the airport, we were lucky enough to sneak out the back door, and lucky enough to avoid people waiting. there was a crowd, and they were really loud too. I hated disappointing them, but I didn't think my anxiety would cope.

we got driven to the hotel where Dianna and Maddie were. I was curled up in the backseat of a relatively normal car with tinted windows.

"you alright?" Jamie asked, turning around from the front seat. I nodded in response. he turned back around.

I closed my eyes and the next thing I saw was black.


"Lea, we're here."

I awoke three hours later to Jamie gently waking me. we were pulled up in front of the hotel. a bellboy was wheeling my luggage towards the lift.

with Jamie's help, I bundled up my blankets, grabbed my pillow pet and clumsily hauled myself out of the car with as much dignity as I could.

when Jamie rang the doorbell, there was a thumping of footsteps and a slight pause before the door was thrown open by Dianna. I winced slightly as it smacked against the wall.

"LEA!" she yelled before scooping me up and twirling me around. when she put me down, I got swirled up into another hug by Maddie.

fifteen minutes later, Maddie and I were watching the ID channel while Dianna took a bath. Jamie had gone to room with Max, and he'd be nearby.

my phone buzzed once. I lazily picked it up.

@Maddielovesyou1: GUESS WHO'S HERE!!!!!!! @MsLeaRochelle @DiannaDeLaGarza @ddlovato pic.twitter.com/LOSbk815h9

I opened it. it was a selfie we had taken earlier. I retweeted it, and watched my mentions blow up.

it was strange. I had often spent time on twitter, looking at pictures of Maddie and Demi, sometimes Dallas, wishing and praying I would somehow be adopted or something into the family - and here I was with Maddie to my left, Demi rushing back after I called her and Dianna getting ready for lunch. now there were people saying the exact same to me: "I wish I was in the family".

strange feeling.


later on, Demi and I were watching Gossip Girl on netflix.

"baaaabe?" Demi asked sleepily.


"wanna Skype Naya? she should be-" Demi yawned. "awaaaaake."

I stifled a giggle at her cuteness. "sure."

I snuggled up next to Demi, resting my head on her shoulder. Demi opened Skype and called Naya, then rested her head on mine as we waited to connect.

Naya appeared on the screen. "babies!" her entire face lit up.

"Ny!" I squealed, waving. Demi yawned and blew a kiss. Naya smiled.

"I can feel this cuteness radiating off you, babe," she said. "I miss you girls so much," she complained.

Demi held up a finger. "one more day, baby. then we'll come home."

"how's Monterrey?"

"we just got here. Demi's soundcheck starts in five hours," I told her.

"it does?" Demi asked.

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