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I've had a lot of nerve-wracking experiences in my short span of a lifetime, but I really haven't felt this nervous - never ever.

Katelyn and I were in the queue for my audition, and I was leaning against her. I couldn't hear the crowd, my heart was pounding so loudly.


Katelyn's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts and into my mind.

"Mmmm?" I acknowledged her.

"Can you stop doing the... thing?" she gestured to my feet. I looked down. I hadn't noticed that my feet were shuffling around and I was kicking Katelyn while doing so.

I wrung my hands. "I'm nervous! What if they don't like me? I'll never live down the words of demise from Simon Cowell."

"Lea, calm down. You know I love you, no matter what?" Katelyn said, resting her arm on my shoulder

"Yeah," I said, resting my head on her arm.

"If Simon doesn't like you," Katelyn stated. "I will not hesitate to stab him."

Even though it was cheesy and 100% would not happen, I smiled.

A man holding a huge camera came over to us.

"Hi," he said, adjusting the equipment on his shoulder. "Um, I'm Damon, and I'm the cameraman in charge of filming content for individual auditions, and you're twentieth in line now, and I could start filming content for your audition, like a background story and such, is that okay?"

A few seconds passed. Katelyn nudged me. "Say something, babe," she said gently.

"Oh, yeah, um, sure," I tried to smile at him although I felt like my heart was going to fly out of my chest anytime.

"Great," he said. "Is it the two of you auditioning?"

"Oh, no," Katelyn placed both her hands on my shoulders. "It's just this one. I can't sing to save my life."

"Alright, then," Damon helped me squeeze through the crowds. "What's your name?"

"Lea," I managed to squeak out.

"Okay, Lea, what I need you to do is to stand right there, and when I give you a thumbs up you can introduce yourself, okay?" Damon started adjusting his camera.

When he gave me the thumbs up, I took a deep breath and put on my most convincing smile.

"Hi everybody, I'm Lea Rochelle Deyes, I'm 15 and I come from Uniondale, New York!" I held up a peace sign.

"Good start," Damon said. "Could you maybe talk about why you want to audition?"

"Um," I chewed my lip. I didn't want say it was a struggling family that pushed me here - I didn't want to be that girl with the sob story - I wanted to leave that behind.

"I wanted to audition because I've always loved singing, it's been something I enjoy singing - but I have horrible stage fright. I've never really had the courage to do something like this but my sister Katelyn has been really supportive of me and she's really the reason I'm here auditioning today." That was true.

"Talk a bit about your musical influences, then how you're feeling?" he prompted.

"I love music - I'm almost always listening to it. I have a lot of favorite artists, but someone who really stands out to me is... Demi." I paused to swallow. "I've known her since Camp Rock, and whenever I'm feeling sad, or lonely, or whatever... she always has a song for it."

"It makes me more nervous to be performing in front of her, yeah. I don't really want my favorite artist seeing me as a weirdo, you know? But I really hope the judges like me. And fingers crossed I don't mess up!" I held up my hands with crossed fingers, and smiled.

Damon clicked the camera off. "Perfect. You're a natural for the camera."

"Thank you," I said.

"Right," he brought me back into the queue. "There - see your sister? You can rejoin the queue now, and best of luck - I'll be seeing you later." he patted my shoulder.

"How was it?" asked Katelyn once I wove my way back through the crowd.

"Fine," I replied as we inched forward. "I didn't tell them about the family issues."

She nodded, understanding."You didn't have to."

We stood people-watching for a while before Katelyn dug into her bag and pulled out my phone. "It just buzzed, darling," she said while handing it over to me.

I took it and clicked the lock button. I scanned the texts and saw that it was tweets.

@ddlovato: so excited for LA auditions!

@ddlovato: with the power mama @paulinarubio !!!!!!!

@ddlovato: waiting for @SimonCowell... he must be blowing his hair... haha!!

@ddlovato: absolutely can't wait for the LA talent!!!!

Well, I guess it's more fun when you're not nervous.


A/N: hi!!

So, I've had this idea for a story like this for a long time now, probably around July last year, and it's just been developing in my head so I decided it was time to write it all down.

What did you think of this chapter? =] it gets better, I promise!! hehe.

Oh! And other people involved in Lea's journey are going to be Naya Rivera, Fifth Harmony, Marissa Callahan and Bea Miller!

Leave comments, get super involved in this story - and send some X Factor song suggestions! =]



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