
6.8K 188 17

1pm. Dallas, Texas. De La Garza household, minus Demi. she was suppos-


"COMING!" I tripped out of the guest room and straight into Maddie.

"What's it with slamming into me?" Maddie laughed. "Nearly every day I expect to crash into you."

"Sorry! In a rush! Got to go!" I picked myself off the floor with as much dignity as I could. "AT&T event!"

"Aww," she pouted. "Already?"

I laughed. "I'll be back soon. I just gotta work on an EP."

"You better be," she broke into a smile and hugged me. "Have fun."

"Thanks," I hugged her back. "Love you!"

I ran out the front door and jumped into the passenger seat, giving Dianna a huge sweet smile. "I'm here."

She shook her head and started driving, but a small smile played on her lips.

"What?" I pulled the handle to recline the seat.

"You remind me of Demi," she said, then paused. "Not 15 to 17 year old Demi, that wasn't a nice time. But 13-14, yes."


"I would fetch her to events, she'd always be running late, she'd always pause and reassure Maddie... like you."

I smiled a little bit. "You know that's a compliment, right?"

Dianna sighed. "That's the thing. I mean to reprimand you," she made a right turn. "but yet you take it as a compliment because I compare you to Demi."

It was quiet for a while.

"Is it strange?" I asked.

"Is what strange?"

"Having me still be a fan of Demi's."

Dianna laughed. "No, dear. Haven't you seen Maddie?"

"Aris is the worst though," I defended Maddie.

"Oh, my God," Dianna nodded. "She is."

After a while, we pulled up in front of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, where I could see posters all over the place promoting the event.

"Alright," Dianna stopped the car and we both got out. "Let's go kill 'em."



I spun around just in time for Ally to come rushing up to me.

"ALLLYYY!!!!" We both hugged and jumped around.

"the other girls are in there. I heard chanting fans coming from outside so I came out to see," she told me.

"they are so brilliant," I showed her gifts that they had given to me.

"Where's Dianna?" asked Ally as we linked hands and walked to the backstage area.

"She left. She doesn't want to be mobbed."

Ally laughed.


My set was at 2.45pm, after the girls.

At 2.30, they came rushing off the stage, sweating and pumped.

"ADRENALINE," Dinah yelled as they passed the microphones back to the crew.

"I'M HUNGRY" Camila shouted.

"TACOS!" Normani screamed louder than anything I've ever heard in my 16 whole ass years of life.

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