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I am, by nature, a shy/introverted person. It also doesn't help that insecurity is something I have to deal with 24/7, which is why I was dreading meeting Demi's family a few days after the four chair chellenge.

"You know all of them, right?" Demi broke my train of thought. We were walking to the stage, where we'd meet them.


"You know my family, right?" she asked with a hint of amusement.

"Eddie, Dianna, Dallas, Madison, Aris?"


We walked in silence for a while.

"You know," I said casually. "Dianna favorited my tweet three months ago."

Demi laughed. "Awwww! And you're meeting her now."

We reached the stage and I panicked as Demi swung the door open. Hello again, panic attack.

"Hey." Demi let the door swing shut as she bent down to look me in the eye. "It's going to be alright, I promise. They're not going to judge you as soon as you walk in, and they are going to LOVE you. Okay?"

How did she know what I was thinking?

"Okay," I told her as we walked in.

And boom, there were the De La Garzas, minus Aris.

"DEMI!!!" Dianna yelled. She got smothered in hugs and kisses before she pushed me forward gently.

"This is Lea," she said proudly.

Dianna swooped in for a hug and my panic settled in. I was never good with human contact due to the abuse I'd suffered for years and despite me knowing that this was Dianna De La Garza and she wasn't going to hurt me, I could feel it settling in steadily.

"Mom," Demi warned as she pulled Dianna off. "Don't scare her."

"Sorry!" Dianna smiled sheepishly. "I'm Dianna, Demi's mom."

"She knows you, Mom," Demi winked.

"Ah," Dianna saw what she meant. God, this was SO awkward.

"Hey," Madison smiled, saving me from awkwardness and potential embarrassment. "I'm Madison. We should hang out sometime."

"Hi," I greeted her, still starstruck. "And yeah, sure!"

"With me!!!" Dallas mocked offense.

"With Dallas," I confirmed. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Demi smiling.

"Hi, Lea," Eddie greeted.

"Hi, Eddie."

Dallas' eyes widened. "HOLY CRAP ARE YOU A LOVATIC?"

Demi pulled her back. "Stop it!" she giggled.

I shrunk behind Madison.

"Awwww!" Dianna cooed and took my hand gently. "Dallas, stop it."

"What the hell," Dallas defended. "I was just asking."

Madison snorted. "Isn't it obvious? Demi just said she knows Mom." She turned to me. "Sorry about that."

I shook my head. "It's fine."

"Anyway," Demi interjected. "Lea and I were supposed to be at rehearsals ten minutes ago, so I hope you don't mind we go?"

"Oh," Dianna frowned. "Demi, what did I say about punctuality?"

"Yes, Mom," Demi rolled her eyes and took my hand. "See you guys."





ohh did you hear that Naya and Big Sean broke up? =[ my heart hurts they were so cute.

next update: Wednesday-Friday


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