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"MADDIE!" I said, my face lighting up as Maddie stepped into the room and closed the door.

"Lea!" she dragged a chair over to the bed and sat down, smoothing my blanket out. "how are you feeling? better?"

"much better. I would give you a hug right now, but..." i gestured to the wires and tubes with my left hand. "how's Demi?"

"she's good, awake, yeah. she's functioning but so tired."

"how did you know I was awake?" I asked.

"Dr. Woods came in to tell Demi and I, so I came to say hi. Demi wishes she could come but she's exhausted. and she's not allowed of her bed either so there's that. also, Mom and Dad are here but they went to get coffee or something." Maddie paused for a while, then broke out into a smile. "I'm so glad you're safe, Lea."

"I'm glad I'm safe too," I said and Maddie laughed.

"oh yeah. you know how you were holding your phone in the car?" she asked. without waiting for my reply, she continued, "well, it's pretty much wrecked now."

I laughed, then grimaced a little at the pressure on my head. "thanks, Maddie."

"anyway, the girls sent their best regards... and Bea... and Cole and Dallas and Jaycee and everyone from your management team... and the recording/songwriting team... everyone, basically."

"wait," I said. "I got a question to ask."

"go ahead."

"do the public know about this?"

Maddie shifted in her seat as she cast her eyes downward to the floor. "um."

I closed my eyes. "f---."

Maddie sighed. "yeah."

"tell me everything."

so she did. apparently Demi's show that night was abruptly cancelled, and my social media were all inactive since the day I was taken, plus I didn't upload videos. The first people to get the news were the girls, and it seemed like Lauren took it the worst out of all of them and had a breakdown before they were due onstage. since it was a pretty big accident involving a freaking lorry that I never knew about, police were all over the scene. and then the insiders caught wind of a little bit of leaked information, and gossip sites jumped on it. at this point it was just a rumor that it was us three in the car. then somehow, someone got hold of some type of police report which confirmed that it was us, and we were coming from Uniondale, which people knew was my hometown. then everything escalated. there were crazy assumptions flying left and right, things trended on Twitter and Tumblr, everyone was blaming everyone, the Lovatics who were supposed to be attending that night's show went apeshit (some angry, some worried), and the celebrity gossip websites were having a field day. finally, Dianna and Eddie gave permission to say that it was true and Naya's family also gave their permission so Jaycee tweeted off my account and some kind of official statement from Demi's manager and Naya's casting agent was released to explain things to calm people down. Maddie read the twitlonger that Jaycee sent.

MsLeaRochelle: #Leatics, #Lovatics and #Gleeks, we hate to be the bearer of bad news but Lea, Demi and Naya have been in a serious car accident and all three of them are currently receiving treatment in hospital. we would appreciate if their privacy could be respected at this time and that we send our well wishes their way.

I gave Maddie my Twitter password so she could log into my account and read my mentions. there were some wonderfully sweet get well soon messages, some incredibly anxious people who wanted to know the whole story and were begging me to explain it, and some people who said that the accident was entirely my fault. initially Maddie didn't want to tell me that, but I knew I couldn't have not received any backlash for this - we were literally coming from my hometown.

"have you seen Naya?" I asked Maddie.

she nodded. "she's really weak, though, she had a deep wound so she lost a lot of blood. she's sleeping most of the time but I did get to say hi and reassure her that you and Demi were okay."

I nodded. "okay."

a moment of silence passed and I tried moving my right hand again. it jerked slightly abruptly but at least it felt easier to move.

"oh yeah!" Maddie said suddenly, startling me slightly. "Demi also says that you've missed over a week and a half of school so as soon as you're allowed to do stuff you have to catch up."

I stared at Maddie. "I can't even walk."

she shrugged. "I don't know. after Demi got that you were okay and functioning and all that health and safety stuff, she immediately jumped onto the fact that the online school emailed her to say that you missed school. might've been the concussion."

I snorted. "well, I'm right handed, so I need to get my right hand working before I can actually do anything."

"oh yeah. your busted right hand is a thing."

"thanks, Maddie."

another knock on the door, and Maddie jumped up to get it. Dianna stepped in, smiling widely when she saw me.

"hey, Dianna!" I said, smiling back.

"oh, sweetie!" she rushed in and sat on the chair that Maddie was sitting on earlier. "I'm so glad you're okay. these past few days have been so scary."

"yeah," I agreed. suddenly, I felt my vision blurring up and my nose stinging. as a tear slipped down my cheek, I used my left hand to wipe it away.

"honey, honey, what's wrong?" Dianna asked, looking concerned. I saw Maddie with one hand on the handle, looking over worriedly, as if she was ready to barge out and start screaming for a doctor.

"i-it's nothing," I sniffled. "I-I just- I'm s-sorry!"

"sshhh," Dianna soothed. "there's nothing to be sorry for, Lea."

"yes, there is!" I wailed. "I was the reason that the three of us got into the crash and now Demi and Naya are not okay and it's all my fault-"

Dianna turned to Maddie. "did yo-"

"I asked her to," I said. "I asked her to read me stuff on twitter."

Dianna turned back to me, pain evident in her eyes. "honey, don't listen to them, okay? I know you might think that it's your fault, but there were other things that contributed. it wasn't your fault at all."

a gentle knock at the door, and Maddie opened it. Dr Woods stepped into the room with Eddie behind him.

"Mrs. De La Garza?" he said. Dianna stood up.


"would it be okay if you could come into Ms Lovato's room with your husband to discuss future plans for Ms Lovato, Ms Rivera and for Lea there?"

"oh! of course. I'll be there."

Dianna kissed my bandaged head lightly. "I'll be back, okay?"

I nodded, sniffling, and she kissed me again before hurrying out of the room. "tell Demi I love her," I called after her as the door shut.

Maddie grabbed some tissues and wiped my cheeks gently. "don't worry, Lea. I'm sorry I agreed to read you those things, but it really isn't your fault, okay? believe me."

I can't believe you. everything they said about me was true. I was the cause of the accident and I deserve to die.




a couple of you said that when the doctors checked Lea over they would've noticed that she wasn't eating properly, which is true. I actually completely forgot about that so thank you for reminding me :P
edit 2018: boiiiii what the hell wyd how did you just forget??? jesus

I love you. thank you for sticking with this story and again I'm really sorry that this chapter sucked :(


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