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the audience was screaming so loudly I was sure I was going to go deaf.

the four judges were standing up. STANDING UP!

everyone was cheering and clapping for me.


"thank you," I whispered.

"good job, sweetie!" Kelly called.

"I wanna start! I wanna start! can I start? please?" Demi was literally bouncing out of her chair.

"go on, then," Simon said.

"okay, first of all, that was hands down my favorite cover of that song," Demi declared. "and I really love Taylor, as well as Red, and you did it justice."

my eyes were filling with tears. but this time, it was happy tears.

"I would love," Paulina pointed at me with her pen. "to have you in my category."

"Lea," Simon started. "I stopped you singing Try not because you did it badly - I think it was actually very good."

Demi and Paulina nodded in agreement.

"you actually killed it," Kelly told me. "in a good way."

"I stopped you because I wanted to see if you had another song that could actually show your range properly, and I think Red was a good choice. you have one of the most incredible ranges I have ever heard."

my left hand flew to my mouth. "oh my gosh, thank you," I said.

"Kelly?" asked Simon.

"oh, girl, you are my highlight. hands down my new favorite audition," Kelly put her pen down and clapped.

"and those long notes? absolute perfection," Kelly continued.

the audience followed and roared.

X factor crowds were really louder in real life than they were on YouTube.

"I really like you, Lea," Paulina told me. "I see you going far, really far!"

I brightened up. the judges' comments had been good!!

"I am going to start off this vote with a great big yes!" Paulina declared.

it took a while for me to process that. my first yes!!!

"thank you!" I repeated.

"Kelly?" Simon asked.

"oh, of course it's a yes," Kelly didn't even hesitate.

my grip around the microphone tightened. "thank you," I managed to whisper.


Demi looked straight into my eyes. for a moment, time stopped and the room was quiet. then she leaned towards the microphone: "yes."

"well, Lea, that looks like 4 yeses!" Simon announced.

wait, WHAT?

this time I didn't try to hold the tears back. they spurted out of my eyes like freaking waterfalls.

"thank you all so much!" I waved to the audience before running back to the waiting area, my hand firmly clamped over my mouth to make sure I didn't make any strange crying sounds.

the microphone was taken off me at some point, and I rushed down the steps to Katelyn. it was a miracle I didn't fall, I couldn't even see.

"baby," Katelyn managed to whispered before breaking down into tears herself.

we hugged it out.

"I'm on," it started to sink in.

"I'm on The X Factor."



aww yay! Lea made it. =]


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