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tw // ED
please take care of yourselves.

The next day, I woke up early, went down to the kitchen, and rooted through the cupboards and fridge for old safe foods. I didn't find anything, so I laced up my trainers and stepped outside into the morning breeze. I could only hope that the De La Garzas didn't check internet history - I had been up half the night reading about food and workouts.

I ran for an hour and a half, ending back at the house. Then I went for a cold shower and put on a new dress. I looked through Maddie's makeup. She said I could use whatever, so I did. Normally I didn't wear makeup on a day to day basis, but who was I kidding - I needed it. I was way too ugly to not wear makeup. With the help of a YouTube tutorial, I put some concealer on, followed by foundation and bronzer and eyeshadow, then I tried my hand at liquid eyeliner, which worked surprisingly well. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I bumped into Maddie, who had just woken up.

"Hey, Lea," she yawned, before her eyes snapped open. "Whoa. You look really good. Where're you going? What's the occassion?"

"Morning. I just decided to try something new. Thanks Maddie," I said with a smile.

"No problem. There's cereal in the cupboard or whatever downstairs. Help yourself," Maddie offered. "I'm gonna get dressed and all that."

I assured her I was okay, then contemplated my choices. I had to avoid lunch as well as dinner, so I had to go out. But where? I wasn't familiar with the area. This was what, my third time here? Plus, the previous times I came, I didn't have time to go out or look around. I also had to avoid Demi. She'd press about the makeup, make me eat, all that. So I grabbed a purse, phone, wallet, and went downstairs. And of course, I had to crash straight into someone.

"Oh, sorry, Lea," Dianna apologized.

"No, no, I wasn't watching where I was going. Sorry, Dianna."

"That's alright. You look good today, darling. Are you going anywhere?"

"Yeah, I'm going to explore the area," I said truthfully.

"Of course. Hey, there's a mall quite near from here, do you want me to show you?" Dianna offered.


After she told me how to get there (fairly simple, which was good - I didn't intend to get lost), she gave me a curfew. "I forgot to tell you and Maddie yesterday, when you girls were doing this competition thing - curfew is 9:30pm. Any later, you get grounded, and you miss one day of competing. Got that?"

Oh, damn. "Yes, ma'am."

Dianna laughed. "It's for your safety. Have fun today. Be careful!" She pulled me in for a hug.

I hugged her back. "I'll be careful."

@MsLeaRochelle: @Maddielovesyou1 our curfew is 9:30pm or we get grounded for a day. @DiannaDeLaGarza said so

@Maddielovesyou1: @MsLeaRochelle @DiannaDeLaGarza WHAAAT????!

@DiannaDeLaGarza: @MsLeaRochelle @Maddielovesyou1 that's the way it is girls ;)


I had wandered around the mall for a couple of hours and bumped into a few fans. Now I was walking towards Forever 21, a detox juice in my hand. The person making my juice had asked for an autograph, so I signed a cup, a napkin and his hat for him. He wore the hat proudly as he served the rest of the customers, which made my day.

My phone started ringing and I quickly disposed my empty juice cup into a nearby trash can before fumbling around in my bag. I frowned as I saw Jaycee's caller ID displayed, quickly unlocking the phone.

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