[80] - epilogue

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-  E  P  I  L  O  G  U  E  -

[  please read the author's note at the end  ]


the next few weeks with Lauren was bliss.

first, we came out to the Jaureguis that very morning.

"does that mean..." Clara asked, looking between the two of us at the bottom of the staircase, the window behind us letting the sunlight catch wisps of our hair and made Lauren look like an angel, although that was already what she was, even without the sun. "does that mean you have a girlfriend now?" she asked her daughter.

"yes." was Lauren's strong, defiant reply, her hand finding its way to mine.

Clara's eyes filled with tears as she threw herself into Lauren's arms, hugging her tight. "I'm so happy for you, sweetie."

"wait, really?" was Lauren's surprised reply as she reached to hug her mom back. "you're okay with it?"

"why wouldn't I be?" Clara scoffed at her eldest daughter, pulling back and reaching down to hug me. "Lea," she addressed me directly, holding me by the shoulders gently. "you make all of us very happy, of course especially Lauren. you're welcome here anytime."

"thank you," I breathed. "I really appreciate it."

"sweet," was Chris' reply before congratulated us and then moved on to ask if we'd seen his misplaced black leather phone case, and "oh my god seriously? I knew it!" was Taylor's reaction before she proceeded to gush over all the signs she hadn't picked up earlier, like Lauren talking about me all the time in every conversation they had. blushing furiously, Lauren shushed her and hauled me away from her smirking sister. Mike, who was at work at the time, was informed over dinner, and he barely managed to swallow his drink of water while avoiding choking, before reaching out to touch Lauren's arm and reassure her that he didn't find any reason to object against us.

after Lauren pulled me away from Taylor to avoid further mortification in the morning, we went back upstairs to call Demi and Naya.

"hello?" Demi's voice reached us before the moving image of her face did. she was still makeup-less, wearing her glasses, and I could see that she was sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee in front of her.

"hi, Demi. is Naya around?"

"sure. she's just about to come in for breakfast. hello, Lauren." Lauren waved back, flashing a smile. "what's up? is everything okay?"

"yeah," I said. "but we'll wait for Naya."

"NAYA," Demi yelled. "GET YOUR F---ING ASS DOWN HERE!"

"shut up, my god," Naya's voice said as her shuffling footsteps came into hearing range. "what?"

"Lea wants to talk to us."

"oh," she said, coming into view. "hi, girls!"

"hello," the two of us chorused.

"is everything okay?" Demi asked again, evidently worried now.

"everything's fine," Lauren assured her. "we just have something to tell you."

"I have a girlfriend," I said, watching their reactions carefully. "it's Lauren."

"F--- YES!" Demi yelled, jumping out of her seat. "HELL MOTHERF---ING YES, BABY!"

at the same time, Naya's hand flew to cover her mouth in surprise, but her palm was barely able to cover the huge grin on her face.

"fifty bucks," Demi turned to Naya and held her hand out.

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