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April 2014

"Lea, baby, get up," I heard Naya say softly.

I groaned and rolled over, rubbing my eyes. "what time is it?" I yawned.

"8 in the morning."

I peeked out from under my covers at Naya, who was sat on the edge of my bed.

"is today Wednesday?" I asked her.

"yes baby, you're going to LA today to start recording," she kissed my forehead.

"Okay." I got up and gave her a morning hug, then pulled some clothes out from my closet.

"Demi's making pamcakes, and I think I should go keep an eye on her," Naya winked as she walked out of my room.

I yawned again as I brushed my teeth. Staying up until 1 in the morning watching the ID channel wasn't an ideal option for me, but Demi was ridiculously animated (and fun to watch) while watching it, so I let her.

As I pulled on my skinny jeans, my phone buzzed. A smile slowly crept onto my face as I saw that Lauren had texted me.

"morning L :) finally got brave enough to talk to Demi last night. she made me feel better. thank you love you see you later xoxo"

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw a plate of pancakes on the counter, Naya gulping down coffee and Demi wiping up some batter from the stove. When she saw me, she dropped her cloth and ran over to give me a huge hug.


I glanced tiredly at Naya, who shrugged. "She drank an espresso and her regular coffee."

"I made the pancakes!!!!" Demi said excitedly.

Despite me being so tired, I couldn't help but break into a smile as I saw her dancing over to the plate.

"You're cute," I told her and grabbed a pancake.

"You're cuter," she replied as she squirted extensive amounts of honey all over hers.

"Demetria, that was way too sweet," Naya reprimanded as Demi pushed the whole thing into her mouth.

Demi pulled a face. "You're right," she gagged as she ran over to Naya and drank the rest of her coffee. Naya sighed but laughed a little while kissing her cheek.


I grabbed my rucksack and luggage. "Can we go? It's 9:30."

Demi shoved her leather jacket and boots on before snatching me up into a hug.

"Lea, you know how proud I am of you, right?" she asked softly, in contrast to her earlier energy levels.


"remember months ago, you wouldn't go to sleep without me next to you?"


"shhhh!" she covered my mouth. "and now you're going to stay with the girls for a longer period of time. I mean, yeah, you'll be sharing a room, but you're getting independent and-" she choked a bit, her eyes glossy.

"Demi..." I hugged her tight. "Don't cry. You know I love you so much, and we all know you've come far in the past few months too." I reached out to pull Naya into the huddle. "You both are going to have a ball when I'm gone, don't lie."

Naya laughed a bit.

"You guys won't have to wear clothes, even," I released them and flashed a big smile at Demi's roll of eyes.

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