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there were so many people crammed into a small space and I felt like I was being suffocated.

well, not really, it's just that I have claustrophobic tendencies that multiply when I'm nervous.

I was given a tag number thing to stick to the front of my shirt, and a couple of brightly colored wristbands for identity.

Katelyn and I were sat in the waiting room with other contestants, and there was a huge screen showing a girl who looked about 20, and she was just starting to sing.

just a few seconds later, Simon raised his hand. the music stopped and the crowd fell into a hush. the poor girl looked like she was going to cry.

"I.." Demi started. she looked down at her paper. "um. I don't know if you can hear yourself sing?"

the girl opened and closed her mouth.

"but you probably wouldn't want to," Demi concluded.


I was really starting to panic now. it had been nerves earlier while filming the backstory, but now it was just full blown panic.

"Katelyn," I scooched over to my sister and pulled my feet up onto the chair.

"hey," Katelyn wrapped her arms around me and held me close. "Demi is not going to say that to you, okay? Simon isn't going to stop the music. you know why? it's because you, babycakes, are amazing and unstoppable. and if they stop the music, keep going like that girl did, that harmony girl? the one with the pink shirt and the hat?"

I looked at her like she was crazy.


"that audition! you know, the one, where she got eliminated then put into the group, the harmony group, the short one, you know? that one?" Katelyn tried.

something clicked.

"OHHHHHH! Ally, from Fifth Harmony?"

she snapped her fingers. "that one."

"what were you saying about her?" I asked, laughing.

"just keep singing like her! she didn't stop, right?"

"yeah, she didn't."

"exactly. so you can go out there and slay it all, sweetie."


I could feel it.

the cameras were ALL OVER THE PLACE.

and they were all pointed at one person: me.

Katelyn slid an arm around my shoulder as we stood in the waiting area. I intertwined my fingers with hers.

"hi, who's auditioning?" a lady with a clipboard came up to me.

"me," I said, gripping Katelyn's fingers. "I'm Lea."

"hi, Lea, the judges are ready for you, would you like to come with me to the stage?" she asked kindly.

oh my god.

the STAGE.

Katelyn slid her arm off mine gently and stood in front of me, both hands on my shoulders.

"Lea Rochelle, you go out there right now and kill it, okay? I love you no matter what, and do what your gut tells you. and remember that I'll be here every step of the way."

I nodded. Katelyn pulled me in for a hug. when we pulled back, the lady handed me a microphone.

"good luck, Lea," she smiled.

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