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Something was definitely off with my parents this morning and I couldn't place my finger on it. It was almost as if they had forgotten that I was now an adult and instead were tip toeing around me like I could break at any second.


It was the only thing that made sense. Maybe they just didn't have the money for law school and didn't know how to tell me. It wasn't as if I could blame them, they had supported my entire college career thus far and if I had to take out a few loans to finish it, then so be it.

Still, I knew how much it meant to them that I didn't have to start life in debt. It had been one of the biggest things they had busted their asses for since I was little. A solid, steady, foundation that I could grow and learn from, without having the dark cloud of student loans hanging over me.

"Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you about something." I yelled from my room. 

"Alright, honey we are in the living room." My mom replied. "We actually have something to talk about too." Her voice wavered at the end and I knew whatever it was scared her.

I finished pulling my hair into a ponytail and put my phone into my shorts pocket before heading to the living room for whatever nightmare was about to unfold.

"So I've been thinking, about law school." I announced as I heard my mother gasp quietly, her eyes pinned to the floor. "I was thinking that I just take out a couple loans. I'm super grateful for you guys paying for college but I can take it from here. I don't need you to stress anymore, besides I'll have to build my credit somehow if I ever plan to own a house." I playfully smiled at the end hoping to ease some tension.

I was expecting my dad to protest, for my mother to tell me not to be stupid and that they wouldn't ever dream of letting me do such a thing. I was expecting an argument, and yet all I got was a solemn look from my dad, and a series of quiet sobs from my mother.

"What?" I asked "you guys are scaring me! Are you guys okay? Oh good you're not sick are you?" I began to ramble.

"Sophie, baby, sit down." My dad pleaded and I did as he said. "We need to be honest with you about something and I want you to remember that we love you very much."

"Dad i..."

"We had to borrow the money Sophie." Dad spat out as I tried to collect my thoughts. "We couldn't afford to pay for college. We had fallen behind on the mortgage and had to take your college fund to keep the house." He continued to explain as my shoulders slumped and I took a deep breath in. "Your mom was able to get some of your tuition from one of her old friends, they are from old money and her son owns a really successful security company downtown."

"What does this have to do with me dad? I just told you I could find a way to pay for law school myself?" I asked nervous about what direction this was taking.

"Well, you final year we had to get help from a few other people, we didn't realize at the time but they were bad, bad people Sophie. They wanted their money and we didn't have it, they put a hit out on all of us." Dad sighed.

"What are you talking about dad? A hit? This isn't the movies!" I felt my voice raise slightly as I became frustrated. If they didn't want to pay for school it was fine it didn't need a long web of lies to add in.

"I'm not kidding Sophie. We have people who want to kill us if they don't get their money." Dad deflates further as mom continues to sob quietly beside him.

"So go to the police?" I all but screamed standing to walk away."

"That's not all." My moms broken voice spoke. "My friends son, he's going to make it go away, get the hit men paid off and let us forget it all."

"Jesus. You are just full of surprises. What does this friend want in return?" I asked sarcastically, no longer interested in any part of this conversation. "You know what it doesn't even matter what he wants. I'm going to be miles away studying after the summer is over. I just don't understand why you both did this? I could have paid for school myself, taken out loans. Hit men and back alley loans? Really?" I sighed. "I can't even look at you guys." I shook my head and walked towards the stairs.

Moms hand stuck out and clutched my wrist tightly as she pulled me back to her.

"Listen, we did what we thought was best at the time. One day, you'll have kids and you'll understand the feeling. We only wanted to give you everything." She was crying again.

"I didn't need everything mom. I never did." I said and pulled my hand free.

"Sophie, wait." Dad called. "There's one more thing you need to know.

I raised my eyebrows and folded my arms over my chest as I took in his exhausted appearance. I refused to feel sorry for him though. He did this. I was always lucky and grateful that they paid for school, but I could have gotten scholarships or loans if I needed too.

"What?" I asked.

"Mr Hughes, your moms friends son, the guy helping us, he, erm, he had a condition." Dad was staring at me intently as a fresh wave of tears ran down moms cheeks.

"No." I whispered.

"In return for all of our safety and our debts to be paid, he wants you. He asked that you both be married in a week and that you be ready to move to your new home this evening"

"I hope you told him where to stick his offer." I shrugged. "No! Daddy how could you?" My own hot tears were falling now and before I knew what was happening my feet were carrying me into my room.

As soon as the door was locked I pressed my back against it and cried. Cried for the future I had worked so hard for, for every party and date I had turned down in college.

I only had one option left, to run.

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