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I'll be honest, hearing that Sierra showed up at the house had me slightly panicked. She was ruthless and the last thing I needed was for her or her father to find out about the baby before we had completed our plan.

It did remind me that sharing the company would make it harder for them to take it away in any law suit, which is also part of the reason I told Mia that they were staying for dinner. Sophie had already given her blessing and that meant that I could finally offer it to Steven.

Sophie had seemed to pick up on that nervous energy and had made penne Alfredo, and while she couldn't get drunk, she seemed to be enjoying herself as if she were.

"So," I cleared my throat as everyone began to eat. "There was a reason I wanted you both here."

God why was this so nerve wracking?

"I figured as much." Steven shrugged as he placed another fork full of pasta into his mouth.

As if she sensed my discomfort, Sophie dropped a hand under the table, seeking out my own. When she clutched onto my fingers a calmness washed over me, as if I knew that somehow, everything would be okay.

"So Sophie and I talked the other day, and you've been my best friend and partner forever."

"Yeah, I probably always will be?" Steven just shrugged.

"Well, how would you feel about being actual partners?" I asked as Steven dropped his fork.

Steven looked at Mia.

The fork clattered into the table.

Mia glanced at Sophie who was smiling widely.

"Erm, we haven't ever, you know, thought of that?" Steven stuttered.

"About being partners? I mean, we've been friends forever. Our wives are best friends, I was there when your kids were born, you're the only person I would ever ask to do this?" I could see reluctance in his eyes as I spoke, although reluctance for what I didn't know.

"Soph?" Mia shot her a look. "I don't know if I can?"

"Wait what?" Sophie looked confused.

"I mean I love you and you're my best friend, but I've never been with a woman before?" She admitted as her cheeks tinged a bright red color.

Sophie coughed and choked on the water she was drinking. Clearly we were not all on the same page.

"Wait? What do you think I'm asking?" I shook my head trying to piece it together.

"Look Mason, Mia and I, we love you guys, but I don't think we are cut out for swinging."

Swinging? Like in a park? What was actually going on?

"Swinging? Dude I'm not asking you to go to the park. I want you to be a partner at the firm, co owners?" I finally got the words out.

"What?" Steven gasped as tears filled Mia's eyes and Sophie started to laugh.

"Yeah, you're the only person I truly trust to take half the company as their own and not screw it up." I sighed.

Sophie was now clutching her stomach from laughing and Mia had joined in.

"Oh, okay? Of course I will." He grinned.

"I... totally.., thought... you... wanted ... us .. to.. all... sleep... together." Mia said in between hysterical laughs. Sophie wasn't even sitting up right anymore from laughing so hard.

"What?" I asked. Then it hit me. Swingers, like the couples who share each other with other couples. "No, Erm, that's ... I didn't mean to imply that's what I was .."

"Mase, don't." Sophie clutched at my arm as she kept laughing. "Why don't you guys go talk about it while we clean up. If I laugh anymore I'm going to go into labor."

Message received.

Steven and I quickly made an exit to the living room where I explained the pros and cons of the deal, what it meant for both of us, and especially what it meant in terms of his salary.

"Draw up a contract, I'll look it over, but Mason, thanks for trusting me to do this." He said.

"No problem." I replied.

We settled into some sports on tv while the women cleaned up. The sounds of their laughter had faded and they seemed to just be doing whatever it was they usually did.

When Sophie and Mia finally joined us again it was as if I was now the entire joke of the group. As embarrassing as it seemed, the look of pure happiness on Sophie's face made it worth it. In fact, I would be the joke to the world if it kept her happy.

"It's getting kind of late!" Mia announced as we all sat in the living room talking. "And someone," she tilted her head towards Sophie who had already leaned against the side of the couch and closed her eyes, "cant hang." She teased.

"Growing a human is exhausting!" Sophie grumbled without opening her eyes as my mouth stretched and I nodded as Mia's silent question.

Quietly, they both got up and waved goodbye, while I gently picked up Sophie. I cradled her against my chest, the way I would soon cradle our own child, and carried her upstairs to bed.

Once she was tucked tightly into the comforter, I climbed in beside her and sent a silent 'thanks' into the air.

Everything was beginning to fall into place and in a short amount of time I would be holding Sophie, and our child in my arms. I couldn't wait. Whatever higher power was possibly out there deserved thanking.

I didn't deserve any of this, not Sophie, not a child, none of it. I was damn sure happy I had them though. It was a new beginning for me. A way to fix the messes I had made. A do over.

Sophie, our child, they were the beginning of a better future. One I never imagined for myself. I couldn't wait for all of it. Until then though, I would have to wait.

I just hoped the higher powers that be, would look over us once more. That they would give us the opportunity to cross the finish line. I didn't know if I really believed in a god or not, but I did know that somehow the last time I had prayed, I got the result I needed, and so it was worth another shot.

With that I close my eyes and sent up a silent prayer. This time all I asked was that Sophie and the baby would be okay and that I would be there to support her however she needed.

It was the only thing I needed. The one certainty that no one around me could guarantee.

With that, I unfolded my hands and said 'Amen' before cuddling into my wife and holding her and our child in the palm of my hand.

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