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Five years.

It's been five years and yet it seems like just yesterday I was being forced to marry Mason. It's strange to think there was ever a time where I hated the idea of being married to him, because now he is the only person I would ever want to be married to.

He's the best man I have ever met. It never matters to him that his day was long, or that the house isn't completely spotless, or if he comes home and I look like I just walked through a hurricane. None of that ever matters to him.

He walks in the same as everyday, sets his briefcase down and kisses me as if it were the first time all those years ago.

Some nights we fall asleep together, and other nights one of us gives out first, but there is one thing that is always present no matter what. Us.

It will probably seem petty, to admit that when sierra got married last year, I was more excited for her own wedding than my own. Still, it signified that she was no longer an issue for us. We will never be friends, not even close, but Mason did send them a nice wedding gift since we were in the mountains that weekend.

I will say that she has surprised me over the last year. She opted for a surrogate, rather than be pregnant herself, but she now has a daughter, Porsha, who looks just like her.

I guess you could say that sometimes things work out in peculiar ways. I never expected to be sold off into marriage. I never expected that I would have the life I have now. That the man I was forced to marry would become the love of my life, or that we would have beautiful twins, who are thriving in their first few years of school.

"Happy Anniversary Soph!" He smiles as he kisses my forehead.

"Happy Anniversary" I smiled back as he takes off his tie and sets it on the arm rest of the sofa and walks into the kitchen.

"Soph, could you run to the store? We seem to be out of tomatoes and I need them for dinner."

It has been my job for the last few years to always go to the store, not because Mason is incapable, he just doesn't ever buy the right kind of produce. In fact, the last time I sent him to the store he came back with bruised apples and rotting strawberries. Since that day I just go myself.

"Sure thing," I get up and put on my shoes. "I'll be back"

When I finally get back from the store Mason and the kids are nowhere to be found.

"Mase?" I call out.

"In the yard!" I hear.

"I carefully set the tomatoes on the counter and walk to the back yard, my hand instantly covering my mouth as I walk onto the beautifully lit porch.

"You did all this?" I ask in shock.

"We love you mommy, Happy Anniversary" the twins smile as they take turns handing me a different colored rose.

"I love you soph, Happy Anniversary."

"I love you Mase, but you know what I love more?" I smirk, reaching my hand up to the side of his face. "I love that I get to spend the rest of my life, perfectly tied to you!"


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