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I have to admit I was impressed. Sophie was holding her own against Hunter and it was a major turn on, or maybe that was just the alcohol talking.

Every time he would ask her something awkward she would fire back as if we had known each other our whole lives. It was obviously my mother's doing, which was both relaxing and also worrying because my mother didn't know boundaries when it came to spilling secrets and regardless of Sophie's impending name change, she didn't need to know everything.

"I gotta pee, be right back." Hunter said before leaving the kitchen.

Sophie shifted slightly on my knee but didn't get off me and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I didn't really want her to leave either.

"You look really pretty." I said, sounding like a six year old complimenting some teenager in a store.

"You are drunk Mr Hughes." She offered me a grin and if it wasn't that I could feel the buzz behind my eyes, I would have sworn that her smile was brighter than the sun.

"A little." I chuckled. "But thank you. Hunter can be, a lot."

"It's fine, besides, I may as well get used to all the questions. I'm sure you're family is going to have a bunch at the wedding." She said turning to take a sip of the water that had somehow appeared on the island.

"Still, thank you." I offered a smile and she reciprocated it.

"Is your cousin spending the night?" She asked, obviously a little nervous for what overnight guests would entail for us.

"Probably, but we can tell them we aren't sleeping together until we are married. I'm sure he won't ask too many questions." I brushed a loose hair from the side of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

Her eyes caught mine and for a moment, just a moment, that irrefutable urge to kiss her hit me again. No sooner had it arrived, it disappeared when Hunter came noisily swaying back into the room.

"Dude, where do you want me? Seriously I almost died finding the bathroom. I think the whiskey hit harder than usual." He grumbled.

"Take the room you usually stay in." I deadpanned.

"Damn, I was hoping I could have Julies room. It's bigger." He protested.

I shot him a warning glare before I shifted to get up causing Sophie to stumble a little. "Sorry." I said as she got up and offered both the hands to help me.

"I'm tired too." She pulled me up, wrapping one arm around my waist while throwing my arm over her shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you tucked in." She smiled as Hunter walked behind us.

"No fair, I want to be tucked in." He whined.

"Get your own Fiancé then." I shot back as Sophie chuckled slightly.

Carefully Sophie led me up the stairs to my room. She made sure Hunter got to his room before coming back to check on me as I was struggling with the buttons on my shirt.

I'd be lying if I said that the room wasn't beginning to spin a little. She knelt down in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Let me do it." She offered and I didn't argue.

Her delicate fingers moved from the top button to the bottom one, unfastening them with ease until it was completely open. She helped unfasten my sleeves and pulled off my shirt.

"How do you usually sleep?" She asked and I laughed for some reason. "Mason I'm serious, do you have pants or something I need to find?"

"No." I shot back as my vision began to get dark.

The last thing I remember is her helping me lay back on the bed before she started unfastening my pants. Then it went black and I dreamed of a life where she could be mine for real, a life where I was a better version of myself.

I woke up to voices downstairs and a glass of water on my night stand. I chugged it down and groaned as I rolled out of bed and made my way downstairs to the sound of ... laughter. Sophie's to be exact.

"I'm not kidding. He streaked the whole football field while the cheerleaders screamed as if they would never recover their eyesight again." Hunter was laughing as he divulged one of my most embarrassing moments, well beside Sierra.

Sophie was hunched over and red faced from laughing as I walked into the living room. I wanted to be mad at Hunter for telling that story, but as Sophie got up and walked over to me, still chuckling, and kissed my cheek while wishing me a good morning, I new it would be pointless.

"I made breakfast. There's a plate on the counter for you." She smiled and almost on instinct I leaned down and kissed her forehead before leaving to find food.

I wasn't prepared for the banquet she had completed. Eggs, waffles, bacon, sausage. It was practically a restaurant plate. Some of this stuff I didn't realize we had in the house. As a bonus, it was equally as delicious as it looked.

Once I was done eating I made my way back to the living room where Hunter and Sophie were now watching some corny teenage romance movie. That wasn't the part that bothered me though, it was the fact he had his arm around her and her head was resting on his shoulder.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked

"Your fiancé was just educating me on the art of young love. Apparently she thinks I need a date for your wedding, so she's trying to help me learn how to get one." Hunter replied the least bit amused by the situation.

"The wedding is in two days, I doubt that." I responded still unamused when his arm didn't move.

"Sophie, dear, please tell me you are ready?" My
Mother's voice suddenly yelled from the front door.

Sophie almost instantly shot up with a huge smile on her face and rushed passed me to hug my mother. I ignored the small ache that rushed through me and gave my mother a smile.

"Let go shopping." Sophie grinned and I couldn't tell if she was acting in front of Hunter or genuinely excited.

I shot my mother a quizzical look to which she just smiled, "wedding dress day."

A quick peck on the cheek was all I got before they practically ran out of the door. At which time Hunter stood up from the couch.

"Alright cuz, time to get you a suit."

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