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We spent two days in the hospital under observation, well Sophie and the baby did, but I wasn't leaving them. The second day was when the detectives came to ask her questions and Sophie, very adamantly refused to speak with them. You could see the light actually vanish from her eyes, as they tried to ask her question after question, until I finally asked them to give her some time to rest.

I pulled her into my lap on the couch and put some comedy movie on that she always loved to watch. It had Kevin Hart, her favorite comedian in it and it was always her go to pick-me-up.

She didn't laugh, didn't even crack a smile though. Even at the parts that usually had her hunched over hysterically.

"Do you want to watch something else?" I asked noticing that she wasn't really into this movie right now.

"I actually think I'm just going to lay down. I'm tired, sorry. I know you're trying to be sweet but I just want to close my eyes." She wouldn't meet my eyes.

I kissed the side of her head and picked her up bridal style before carrying her upstairs. Once she was laid on the bed I tucked the blankets around her and kissed her forehead one more time.

I left her to rest after that, my mind full of unanswered questions about what had happened to her. I wanted to know, to help her, but forcing her to tell me was bound to backfire. I wanted her to trust me enough to tell me on her own.

The next few days she remained distant and while I was trying to understand that she was coping, my own past traumas were beginning to fester, thoughts of a repeat crossing my mind, as the distance between Sophie and I was too much to ignore.

Sophie had left this morning with Stevens wife. Apparently she wanted to talk to the detectives so they would leave her alone. While I was glad that she was going to talk about it, it hurt too. That she was willing to share what happened with other people but not with me. I really thought we were in a better place than that?

Still, she was going to be gone most of the day according to the text message she sent.

Wifey: I'll be at Stevens with the kids and his wife when we get done with the police. Go check on the office. I'll see you later.

Me: Ok, I love you.

Of course I wanted to tell her it was a bad idea, that she should come home, but there was no sense in coddling her. It's what I have been doing since she came home and clearly she's already beginning to resent me for it.

She would be safe at Stevens. I mean, besides me, I don't think anyone could break in there without some kind of alarm going off. He took protecting his family to the highest priority, which meant that opening the garage was as complicated as figuring out what made Stonehenge.

It was for that reason, I pushed the uneasy feeling or worry away and grabbed my keys. Maybe going to the office wouldn't be a bad idea, I mean I still wanted to look into this Carly girl and make sure that she was innocent in all of this.

It took a few hours to fix some of the issues that had been ignored with some of the clients while I was away, only furthering the idea of promoting Steven and making him a real partner. He had been with me long enough and as soon as I could talk to Sophie and get her on board I intended to do just that.

"How are they?" I asked him when he made an appearance in the office.

"Good, your mom is there too. Apparently there is nothing some rowdy kids and girl time can't fix." He shook his head.

"Good. Thanks by the way, for helping me find her." I pressed my lips together. We didn't do emotions towards each other like that.

"You'd do the same for my wife or kids." He shrugged and I knew he was right. It's just how we were. Always there for each other but never fully invested in every little detail, unlike the girls.

"So did you need something?" I asked when he didn't retreat back from the room.

"Actually, Alan is here to see you." He said as I sighed. Sierras Dad was not on my agenda for today.

"Send him in." I replied sitting down in my chair behind the desk.

"Mason!" He smiled as he walked in.

"Alan." I nodded.

"Just wanted to check in with you. Everything looked good on the paperwork side, but I noticed you haven't been at the office. Then I saw the news about your current wife and figured I would pay you a visit."

"Yeah, I mean I can't ignore her for the next two months Alan. She was kidnapped and the last thing I need is for the company to suffer because I didn't do my husband duties and look for my wife." The words physically painful to say because Sophie was so much more than just work to me.

"I guess your right. Anyway, I was hoping you would come to dinner, you can bring her if you want."

"I'll ask her. She's still recovering and like I said, I can't have the company suffering because of it. She already met Sierra so I know she won't approve of me going without her." I explained as he grinned.

"Just let me know, and call my daughter will ya? I'm tired of her moping around." He stood back up before leaving.

Sierra didn't mope around over anyone, much less me. The only time she came close was if she wasn't getting her way and when it came to me she never was. I wasn't for sale and I was going to make sure that she never had the chance to ruin my happiness again.

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