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He did this to me.

Stupid, stupid asshole. I wouldn't be in this mess, feeling as if my body was shattering from the inside if it wasn't for that idiot I call a husband.

I glared at Mason as he began running hospital bags to the car. My contractions had been intense and extremely painful and with only three minutes between each, I literally felt like I had been hit by a train.

I was supposed to have more time. We had been having a great evening. Mason had cooked Alfredo chicken with mushrooms and then ran me a nice bath full of lavender scented bubbles. It was all perfect and relaxing until about five minutes after.

I was sitting on the bed while Mason painted my toenails, since I could no longer reach them when a sharp pain in my back stole my breath away.

"You okay?" Mason asked as I tried and failed to catch my breath.

"Yeah, can you get me some water?"

He did and the pain didn't go away. I saw Mason put something into his phone before he began rubbing my back as I sat, holding back tears.

I was so sure it was Braxton hix that when Mason started pacing around throwing stuff into bags I got frustrated. That's when I got hit with a bigger contraction that legitimately made me question why people ever have kids.

"They're five minutes apart. I think we should head to the hospital." He looked at me concerned. I couldn't speak so I just nodded as tears clouded my vision.

He left me while he took the bags to the car and then returned to help me down to the car. Thankfully the contractions had stopped for now and five minutes allowed me just long enough to walk myself to the car.

I pretty much cursed at him in between contractions the whole way to the hospital. To his defense he took it all without a single complaint and held my hand even when I was sure I was hurting him.

Thankfully after about twenty minutes of being in a hospital room they were able to give me an epidural and I have never felt more relieved in my whole life.

"How are you feeling?" The nurse, Heather asks as she comes to check me.

"Better thanks." I smiled at her feeling much better.

"Great, what about you dad?" She shot a look at Mason and I didn't miss the was she eyes him appreciatively.

Me too girl, me too.

"I'm good." He smiled never taking his eyes off of me.

She finished what she was doing, and after telling me to call if I needed anything she left.

Mason didn't leave my side once for the next three hours as we sat and watched some talent show playing on the TV.

"So, I think we should pick some names? I mean I don't think we have too much longer to figure it out!" He grinned as he gestured to the hospital room.

"You're right. Boy names first, what do you think?" I asked.

"What about Colton, Robert, Nicholas, Ryan, Christopher?"

"I like Christopher, but can we use Jacob as a middle name? I've always liked it." I said and he nodded.

"Okay, so what about girl names?" He asked.

"I have always really liked the name Harleigh." I said noticing as his lips turned into a smile.

"I love it honey, what about a middle name?" He squeezed my hand.

"If there's nothing you want to suggest, I kind of want to use Mia? She's been a godsend to me and I honestly wouldn't have made it this far without her!" I explained as his teeth began to show.

"I think that's beautiful. Harleigh Mia Hughes or Christopher Jacob Hughes." His free hand rubbed my belly as the monitor began to beep.

About forty five minutes later, I was pushing as Mason held my hand and wiped the sweat from my forehead. Thankfully within ten minutes of pushing the sweet sound of baby cries was heard and I let my head fall back in relief.

"It's a boy!" The doctor informed me as they took our son to clean him off.

"It's a boy Soph! We have a son! You were amazing!" Mason cried as he kissed my head over and over.

"Okay Mom, just a few more pushes and you're done!" The doctor announced as I sat up confused.

"A few more pushes for what?" I asked, eager to meet my son.

"Baby number two is coming now! I need you to push for me!" He said with a underlying tone of urgency.

I didn't have time to question that there was another baby, or how my doctor had missed it with all the appointments I had been going to, much less how I had stayed so small carrying two babies.

Still, I pushed and pushed until a different cry rang through the room.

"We have a baby girl too!" The doctor announced before he handed her off to be cleaned. Then he cleaned me up as I began to try to comprehend how I had two children.

All the thoughts were jumbled until the nurses put both tiny bodies on my chest. A little blue hat and a little pink hat symbolizing that there were in fact, two babies.

Christopher Jacob Hughes, six pound eight ounces born at four thirty six in the morning.

Harleigh Mia Hughes, six pounds and eleven ounces born at four fourty two in the morning.

"Oh my god!" Masons voice was quiet and raised an octave. "Look Soph, we have two babies. You really are the most amazing woman ever!" Tears ran down his face as he looked from me to the two babies, our babies on my chest.

We were left alone for an hour afterwards as the nurses helped me figure out how to breastfeed correctly. Mason just watched in awe as if he couldn't actually believe he was a father.

"Mase?" I said as my eyes grew heavy. "Do you want to hold them before I put them down?"

He blinked a few times before he nodded and stood. I showed him how to support their heads and then placed both babies in his arms as he kissed each one on the head.

"Hey little ones! Your mommy and I are so happy to finally meet you!" He smiled down at them as he sat in the chair beside my bed. "I'm so proud of you Soph, and I love you so much!"

"I love you too Mase! Just wake me up before you let anyone in okay?" I said as my eyes began to close.

I heard him say something in response but I didn't know exactly what he said.

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