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I hate that she's not here tonight. She left for my mother's house at lunch and every part of me wanted to make her stay for a few more hours. I mean we already slept on separate beds in different rooms, what did it really matter.

According to her, everything.

My cousins had flown in for the event and were currently occupying my spare room, living room, and had also conveniently moved all of Sophie's things from her room to mine stating that after tomorrow there wouldn't be a need to sleep separately.

Under normal circumstances they would be right, but unknown to them was the fact that these weren't normal circumstances. Heck we had kissed, really kissed once and she didn't even remember it. She was going to have a panic attack if she came back to find that she now had to share a room with me.

We ordered pizza and caught up for most of the afternoon until they decided to break out the monopoly board. The females were staying with mom, so I guess this was my version of bachelor party without the party.

"So Mason, since we won't get to talk to your lady till tomorrow, tell us about her." My oldest cousin Sam smiled.

He was the mature one, the guy that found his happily ever fresh out of high school and settled into family life. Dog and white picket fence and all that cliche stuff.

I felt the eyes of all four of my cousins as they all paused the game and focused on me. I didn't know what exactly they wanted me to say, so I decided to just list off the things I had managed to learn about her so far.

"Sophie? She's honestly a great person. She's beautiful, kind, she has dreams to help people in the legal sense. She loves pancakes and she wants to go to a tropical island." I said robotically as I tried to recall the little things she had said.

"Dude, you sound like you're reading a script. Tell us how she makes you feel? Why now after all this time are you suddenly getting married?" The youngest, Paul asked.

"I guess when you know you know?" I shrugged. "Look Sophie is just different. She's fire and ice, stubborn and compassionate, she does things she doesn't want to, if it helps those she cares about, even if it hurts her in return. We challenge each other and every single time I look at her beautiful blue eyes I can't picture ever looking at anyone else the same way." I sighed resigning to the internal knowledge that everything I just said was true.

"She asked about you the other week." Hunter stated as we settled back into monopoly and it didn't take a guess to whom he was referring too.

"Good for her." I replied moving my piece safely to my own property.

"Then she called me after your face was posted everywhere loving on Sophie." He continued.

"What's your point?" I cut it short. I was hoping he could hurry up because the last thing I needed was to think about the almost happily ever I once had.

"My point is, you're happy, you moved on, maybe it's time to hear her out."

"I don't need her excuses. I don't care why she did it, she still did. I'm happy now so let's leave it at that. I really don't want to talk about Sierra the night before my wedding." I groaned before I ended up getting sent to jail.

"Fine, but think about it. I mean the closure may do you some good." He continued as Sam chimed in.

"Drop it Hunter. Masons right, he doesn't owe her anything and as long as he is happy that's all that matters."

"I am." I blurted out.

Everyone fell silent for a few minutes until we started to really get involved in the game, which is how we spent the next couple of hours until the unforgiving monopoly curse hit the group and Matt threw his cards down, knocking the board pieces everywhere in the process.

Honestly it was kind of funny since he was usually the calmer one of the group, and I was looking for an excuse to end the game anyway. I wanted to sleep and be rested for tomorrow.

The ceremony was set for the afternoon, something about my mother wanting the pre wedding photos in the sunlight and the post wedding photos in the sunset. Who knows why that makes a difference? I certainly don't.

I bid my cousins a goodnight before climbing into my bed, Sophie's face invading my mind as I tried to sleep.

Soph : Your cousins are nice but I kind of miss my bed.

Me: Don't be mad...

Soph: what did you do?

Me: Nothing, but Hunter and the guys moved your stuff into my room because we don't need to sleep apart anymore. We can move it back though.

Soph: Just leave it for now unless it's in the way. We can figure it out after tomorrow.

Me: thanks for not being mad.

Soph: you think I want frown lines in our pictures?

Me: frown lines??

Soph: Nevermind. Anyway the girls are all asleep and it's just weird for me. I kind of got used to your house over the last few days and your moms house is a maze.

I shook my head smiling to myself because I knew she was right. I used to hide all over that house and neither her or dad could ever find me.

Me: Its just one night and then you'll be home m.

Soph: What do I tell people when they ask about our honeymoon? Your cousins already asked and I told her you planned it.

Me: Tell them you're going to a tropical island and it's a surprise. Also tell them that we don't leave until Monday morning and that until then, they are to keep their annoying brothers out of my house

Soph: LOL

Me: Get some sleep Soph, big day tomorrow.

Soph: yup! Beauty sleep awaits me. Goodnight Mase

Me: Goodnight Soph, I'll see you at the alter?

Soph: Sure will. Remember, I'm the one in white incase you get confused.

Me: sleep well, goodnight.

With that I set my phone down and closed my eyes. Tomorrow was going to be long and drawn out and everything I had hoped to avoid. Still, I would go through all the nonsense a million times if it meant that she could walk the aisle with a smile on her face.

Real or not, I wanted her to be happy. I wanted her wedding day to be as perfect as she imagined.

The more real it seemed, the more likely this would go off without a hitch and honestly that was what we needed. A real day to celebrate our fake love.

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