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Sophie had been acting weird ever since I took her to the office five days ago. It wasn't just little things either. I had noticed a few things that raised more than a few red flags since that day, but each time I asked she would change the topic or shut down completely.

She was having nightmares every single night, sometimes several times a night, yet even as I held her she refused to tell me anything about them. So instead, I would hold her shaking body until she was finally so exhausted that she went back to sleep.

She had become increasingly more jumpy, flinching if I touched her without her knowing. Her hands would tremble when she did small tasks as if she was terrified of some impeding doom that wasn't coming.

As for our newly wed sex life that I had come to love, it ended pretty much when we got back from our honeymoon.

I couldn't figure it out. I'll admit that the first night we came home from the office I assumed she was still mad about the party. That I could wrap my head around, I mean it was a dick move on my part, but I had warned her I was bad at this relationship stuff. It wasn't because I wanted to upset her, truth be told I just didn't want to go.

The worrying started on day three. We had woken up after a night where she had two nightmares back to back. When I watched her filling a glass of water in the kitchen her hand was shaking so badly that it was a shock she hadn't dropped the glass. Then, when I walked towards her she flinched and let out a small scream as if she was genuinely afraid.

Of course I had tried to ask her about it and she just said she was tired and felt on edge. I didn't push the issue, but I knew it was something deeper than that. The confident, playful Sophie I had been with in the Bahamas had reverted back to the shell she had been the first day I brought her home and I knew something was wrong.

On top of that, our new client had contacted us and said that her ex seemed to have got the message. She said she was leaving town since he hadn't been an issue, and that she would let us know if it changed. All in all that was a good thing for her, but I knew from experience that stalkers didn't just give up. They either escalated, or found a new victim.

For some reason, Sophie was still determined to go to this party tonight. She claimed that she was fine and even though it was a blatant lie, I secretly hoped it would be the boring, relaxing event that calmed her nerves.

I wouldn't ever say it out loud, but I missed my Sophie and I was determined to get her back no matter what.

"You almost ready?" I called out to the bathroom door as I finished buttoning my shirt.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me come. I could use the distraction." She smiled as she put her other earring in and my jaw dropped.

She was wearing a simple deep blue halter neck dress with a slit up the right leg. Not too fancy that it would be awkward, but fancy enough that it had me second guessing my decision to show up in the first place.

"You look beautiful." I walked towards her slowly, giving her time to notice as I cupped her face and gently pecked her lips. "Absolutely beautiful" I repeated.

"Come on, before you forget how to close your mouth!" She laughed as she patted my chest. I would have rolled my eyes at the comment had the sound of her laugh not distracted me.

When we arrived at the office we went through the standard security check required to enter. Then we walked back to the lunch cafeteria. The company was fairly large with around 400 employees altogether so I had added a floor for lunch during the expansion the third year after I opened.

The tables were dressed in gold table cloths and a banquet style table was set up with finger foods and champagne glasses. I always used this party as a treat to my employees. We didn't do big holiday parties due to everyone having their own lives, so this always worked as a way for everyone to cut loose regardless of what department of the company you worked in.

Sophie immediately kissed my cheek as we walked in and then hastily walked towards Stevens wife before the pair walked over to the champagne.

"I think we are going to regret bringing the women." Steven laughed as I admired Sophie and her care free attitude in the moment. It was almost as if the last week had never happened and I found myself smiling like an idiot as I watched her.

"Nah, they look happy." I commented as Ste turned to admire them as well.

"Yeah, but probably not for long." He added as I looked at him with a frown. "Incoming." He motioned behind me at the same time a set of manicured hands tapped my shoulder.

"Sierra?" I asked, confused as to why she was here. "You told me you were leaving a week ago?"

"I changed my mind. Figured it couldn't hurt to stick around for a little while. I've gotta admit there were some things I missed about this city." She smiled that heart stopping smile that at one time had me head over heels. Now? Now it just reminded me of how quickly she gave up on the life we were building together.

"Hey." Stevens wife, Mia said as she wrapped her arm around Stevens waist and Sophie came to stand beside me.

I saw the puzzled look on Sophie's face as she looked at Sierra and Sierra looked at her. It took a minute to realize they were waiting on me to introduce them but when I did I found comfort in the fact my body's natural reaction was to wrap my arms around Sophie protectively.

"Sophie, this is Sierra. Sierra, this is my wife Sophie." I tightened my grip on Sophie, and almost as if she sensed my discomfort she placed her hand over mine and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Your wife?" Sierra gasped before correcting herself. She always did care about appearances.

Thankfully Sophie spoke up because I'm pretty sure it was either hot in here or I was about to pass out, maybe both. "Wait? This is Sierra?" Sophie turned to me and kissed my cheek before turning back to Sierra and sticking out her hand. "I have heard so much about you, it's nice to finally have a face to the name."

It was as Sierra hesitantly went to shake Sophie's hand that she noticed the rings on her fingers and her face turned to shock as she looked up at me, anger taking over her usually composed body.

"Wow!" She scoffed before she looked Sophie in the eyes, her tone anything but friendly. "You must be special if you got the family rings."

"Sierra." I warned.

"No Mason! I begged for those. Four and a half years we had been together, your mother still wouldn't let me have them."

"Sorry, I, Sorry." Sophie pulled her hand back stuttering.

"No." I turned to her. "Don't be sorry." I kissed her forehead before turning back to Sierra. "Sierra I think you should leave. You shouldn't be here anyway, you gave up that right when you left."

If I thought for one second that would be the end of it and she would just walk out, I was wrong.

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