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When the weekend finally came around I knew I had one task on my agenda that couldn't go ignored for much longer - the crib.

I figured since I hadn't been able to spend much time with Sophie that she may want to help, she's been doing better emotionally the last day or so, and this seemed like a good way for us to make some memories to share with the nugget one day.

"So I was thinking about putting the crib together today if you want to help, or supervise, or just keep me company?" I rambled a little.

"Oh." She replied hesitantly and it almost sounded like she had plans.

"Unless your busy? I mean you don't have to?" I corrected myself as she typed something into her phone and then smiled up at me from where she was laying on the couch.

"Nope, I just cancelled. I've been at Mia's a lot lately and I would love to watch you build our baby's crib. I just cancelled." She pulled herself to sitting and I couldn't help but imagine just how perfect our life was going to be, how lucky I was to have her, and also as the mother of my child.

"Great. Give me twenty minutes to get my tools and get everything out of the box and then I'll call you up?" I suggested.

"Perfect. I'll bring the snacks." Her smile was infectious and I found myself grinning as I walked to the garden shed to get my tools.

A short time later I was sitting on the floor of the nursery, pieces of painted wood scattered around me, as Sophie sat cross legged eating grapes and watching me.

"You know, they make this cool booklet called instructions that helps build these things." She teased as she put another grape in her mouth.

"I got it." I defended as I tried to piece two parts together that clearly didn't fit. "Never mind." I corrected as she clutched her belly and laughed.

It would be annoying if the sound of her laugh didn't do something to lift my mood. She was my light, the ray of hope I needed to make it through the day.

"Can I help?" She asked as she slid across the floor towards me.

"Sure." I smiled as she grabbed the instructions.

For the next thirty minutes or so she read off the instructions, which surprisingly did make building this thing so much easier. The best part though, was watching her smile as she talked about how much she couldn't wait to bring the baby, our baby, home.

By the time we were finished I felt as if everything was finally falling into place for us. Our baby finally had everything, a bed, a room to grow up in, and two parents who, loved each other and would do anything for their child.

"I love you Mase." She rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arm around my stomach. "And I know I haven't been the best to be around lately, but I wanted you to know that's never going to change."

I moved my arm around her back and pulled her into me. "Love you more Soph. No matter what happens, I always will."

I held her there for a while until she turned and pecked my cheek. "Come on, let's clean up this mess."


Things went good for a few days after that and for a split second I was actually starting to believe that my Sophie was back. Honestly I didn't need to know what had happened to her as long as she healed.

All that changed when I decided to plan something special for Valentine's Day. Before Christmas she had been constantly talking about some comedian she liked and coincidentally he was having a show, today, on valentines.

I hadn't really paid much attention to who the guy was but I did watch a couple clips before I gave her the tickets this morning with her pancakes.

"I love you! This is seriously the best gift ever." She grinned, no longer interested in the food.

"Love you more Soph, the show is at seven and I promise I'll only be at the office for a couple hours." I walked over to let her fix my hair.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be ready by five thirty, so make sure you're home by then okay?"

She smiled as I left and honestly I was pretty excited to take her out tonight. It would probably be the last time before the baby arrived since she was starting to show a little more and we still had to hide it.

I rushed through two hours at the office. Steven had taken it upon himself to create a schedule for us so that we would only both need to be there once a week, giving us both a handful of days off that we otherwise wouldn't have taken.

When I finally got back to the house I knew I needed to talk to Sophie more about making him a partner. So that's what I did as we set off to the comedy show.

"What do you think about me making Steven a partner at the firm? In the sense that he would own it equally and have just as much say as I do?" I asked without reservation.

"I'm not sure? I mean isn't he basically your partner now?"

"Yeah. But this way he could actually be in charge of a few things and not have to run it all by me. I was thinking, we could split our schedules and then he could be home more and so could I?" I threw out the best part first, "there really isn't a downfall other than I would have to split the profits and decisions with him."

"I don't know." She hummed. "I think if it's something you really want to do you should do it. Steven is a good friend and I know he would make a great partner for you."

"But?" I asked.

"But you built the company yourself. I just want you to be sure. Although I will admit, if the first person to delegate to him is your ex girlfriend and her father I won't complain." She smiled and I knew I had her support.

"If only it were that easy, he would have been a partner years ago." I chuckled as we pulled into the parking lot.

The show was honestly going great and Sophie was relaxed and laughing along with everyone else, until the jokes turned to darker humor.

I pretty much tuned out the words the comedian was saying as I focused on Sophie's face. The smile had disappeared and she seemed as if she was reliving her worst nightmare.

I knew her well enough to know she was about to break and the last thing she needed was for everyone to be staring at her, so calmly I took her hand and whispered "come on, let's get out of here." Before pulling her outside to the car.

Apparently I was just in time because as soon as the cold air hit her she crumbled like a skyscraper that was hit by a giant wrecking ball.

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