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Mason was still asleep when I woke up and while I was thankful for everything he had done yesterday and last night, I needed to see my parents alone first. I couldn't allow myself to keep depending on Mason or anyone else to fix my problems.

I slipped down to the guest bathroom and took a shower, quietly changing and calling an Uber to take me to the hospital. I could have taken my car, but knowing how emotional I could get, I didn't want to risk it.

I left Mason a note beside the coffee pot explaining that I would be back this evening and left the house. It took about twenty minutes to get to the hospital and I almost freaked out.

Slowly I urged myself to keep walking until the scent of Clorox invaded my nostrils and I found myself wandering up to my parents area of the hospital.

After explaining to the nurse who I was here to see she kindly showed me to my mothers room first, explaining that my father was currently a few doors down and unable to take visitors due to his condition. She had reassured me he was stable, just that his risk of infection was high right now.

I hesitantly walked into the room, tears instantly filling my eyes when I looked upon my mothers sleeping body. She had a small cut on her cheek and some scrapes on her arms, the rest of her body covered by a blanket. Honestly she looked normal and there isn't a word to describe the relief I felt.

"Sophie?" She mumbled as I sat beside the bed on one of the chairs.

"I'm here mom. You're okay, dads going to be okay." I explained taking her hand in mine.

"You're supposed to be on your honeymoon." She scolded me, her eyes still closed.

"This was more important. Mason didn't mind, I promise."

"Where is your dad?"

"He's going to be okay, he's hurt worse than you but as soon as I can visit him I can let you know more." I tried to reassure her.

"You don't need to worry so much. We are strong cookies, your father and I."

"I'll always worry, you're my parents." I countered as she took a deep breath in. "What happened mom?"

"Still, You're supposed to be enjoying your vacation, not sitting here, and I'm not sure. One minute we were on the way home from the store and the next metal was crunching and everything went black."

"I'm so glad you are okay. We were so worried."

"You can't get rid of us that easy. Did you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon?" She asked.

"Yes, Mason was really sweet and planned a whole bunch of stuff for us to do." I smiled remembering how he had gotten excited about his fishing trip. "It was the realest feeling fake honeymoon ever." I teased as my mom reached over and squeezed my hand.

"Whether or not you believe me is up to you, but Sophie, I know you think all of this is fake, but the way he looked at you at the wedding, something else was there. It's the same look I give your father."

"Mom." I groaned.

"I'm serious. Maybe you don't see it, maybe he doesn't even know it yet, but that man loves you. It doesn't matter that he's known you two weeks, the heart wants what it wants."

"If you say so." I gave up trying to argue. It was best not to raise her blood pressure while she was recovering in the hospital. "Anyway you're going to be here for a couple weeks so do you want me to get you anything?"

"No, I think I'm okay. I'll ask the nurse to update me on your father and I should be fine. I'm probably going to sleep for a little while. You should go home and see Mason."

"Mom i.."

"Don't mom me, go. I'll be here when you come back." She smiled knowingly at me and I knew I would need to let her rest.

Doing as she asked I gave her a soft hug and left, promising to come back tomorrow. Then I stopped by the nurses desk for an update on dad before getting another Uber ordered to take me home.

I sat outside the hospital, the feeling of being watched starting out of no where. It made the hairs on my arms stand up as I glanced around all the people who were milling around the hospital grounds. No one stood out so I brushed it off as exhaustion.

I tipped the Uber driver after she dropped me off at home and walked in to an empty house. Mason must have gone to check on work or something because he didn't mention having other plans.

I set my purse down on the table and went to the living room. I curled up inside of a blanket and turned on the comedy channel in the hopes that it would cheer me up.

When the door clicked open, a couple of hours later, Mason kicked off his shoes and walked towards me, dropping a kiss on my forehead before he sat beside me and pulled me into his lap. He looked a little off, somehow more distant and far away than he had been this morning when we got home from the hospital.

"How are your parents?" He asked.

"Moms okay, Dad can't have visitors for a while." I said before remembering how he had done a lot to get me home to them. "Thanks for bringing me to them."

"Soph, I need to tell you something." He looked away from me as if he was ashamed of what was about to come out of his mouth.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Soph, ." He rubbed his face and simultaneously trapped me from moving from his lap. "It doesn't matter." He shook his head, kissing my cheek as I tried to comprehend what he could need to tell me.

"Mase, you know you can talk to me right?" I cupped his face in my hands.

"Yeah, it's not important. Let's focus on getting your folks better." He smiled kissing me tenderly.

I kissed him back as my heart raced with butterflies and my mind ran in circles over what he wasn't saying.

"Come on, I'm tired and ready for bed." I pushed the negative thoughts from my mind and then pulled Mason, hand in hand, to our room. Whatever he wanted to say could wait, but I was on borrowed time with him and I knew what I wanted the most.

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