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"It's been four hours Steven, where the hell is she?" I demanded as I slammed my fist onto the table in my living room.

Sophie had been gone for four hours that we knew of, although, we had no clue of knowing how long before that she was actually taken.

Her text message was the only thing that gave me the hope I needed not to completely lose my shit, and even that was wearing off as each minute rolled past without anything further from her.

"I'm working on it Mason." He short back. "Right now I have it narrowed down to a few blocks, but I'm trying to get the ping to a confined location."

I knew he was right, it's one of the reasons he was my right hand man. He had the ability to look at the bigger picture and stay calm, even when he was also worried. If I were doing this on my own I would burst through the whole block one building at a time, which, for obvious reasons wasn't logical.

"I'm not trying to step on anyones toes," Colt suddenly burst in, "but I may have something."

"Colt." Steven warned in a slightly fatherlike tone.

"I'm serious. You both know I was shadowing his ex girlfriend." He explained as I nodded for him to continue. "Well she said that he had an old house that he took her too once. It was left to him by his grandfather so it's not in his name, but she said he was always secretive about the basement for some reason."

Steven sighed as he motioned for Colt to move forward to the computer screen where he was currently trying to center in on Sophie's location.

"Do you happen to have an address?" Steven asked him.

"Yeah, it was two thirty one Pinewood Way. She described it to me once, an old brick house. She said the basement had a window on the backside of the house she had seen when they were cleaning the yard, but that she was too afraid of him to risk looking through it." Colt was explaining as Steven rapidly typed on his keyboard.

"Mason, that's the place." He informed me, turning the screen to show me the circular cell phone ping, as well as the pinned location of the address Colt had given. To everyone's surprise it was right in the middle.

"Let's go!" I ordered. "Colt, call the police." I said as we all frantically rushed to the elevator, only to see that his phone was already pressed to his ear as he spoke to presumably a dispatcher.

I'm coming to get you Sophie. Please be okay. I thought as we climbed into Stevens black SUV.

"We are about forty five minutes away, thirty if I break some traffic laws." Steven explained as he hit the highway.

"Just get me to her. I'll pay for whatever tickets you get." I all but yelled as he hit the gas.

I wish I could say that it was one of those cool movie scenes where the hero gets there in minutes and rescues the girl, but traffic wasn't allowing for any of that, peaking my anxiety to a level I didn't even know it could reach.

It was an unnerving feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. The feeling of being completely helpless at this current time, while also not knowing if she was still okay or even still alive.

A nerve wracking thirty two minutes and fifty one seconds later we pulled up on the street. Steven parked down from the house, careful not to spook the deranged sociopath in the house.

"We need to check the perimeter first, then we can go in and get her." Steven stated

"Bullshit! That's my fucking wife!" I cut him off.

"I know that Mason, but, It does her no good if we don't go in prepared. The last thing we need to do is make a reckless choice and get her or the baby hurt."

I accepted the defeat from his words. He was right, he was always right. Damn him.

It took another ten minutes to walk the perimeter, checking for exits and potential threats when I remembered what Colt had said about the window. Carefully, I moved to the back of the house, noticing that the window was now fully visible through the dead shrubbery around it.

I crouched my body and attempted to listen, for anything - movement, screams, something to tell me she was in there, and more importantly that she was still alive.

Unfortunately I was met with silence, the double pained glass blocking any noise from escaping. I wanted to peer in, to see if she was in there, but I knew that if I was spotted I could turn the situation from bad to terrible in an instant.

Reluctantly, I walked back to the front of the house and spoke with Steven.

"We need a plan. I can't just stand here and do nothing." I was beyond worried, for Sophie, the baby, for the future I had finally allowed myself the chance to envision for us.

"I have an idea, but Mason, we have to wait for the police before we go in."

"They are ten minutes away." Colt advised, his ear still firmly pressed against his cell phone and I made a mental note to thank him when all this mess was over with.

Steven set to explaining his plan, and I wasn't sure it would work, but if it gave me the brief opportunity to see Sophie, to let her know I was here, I was willing to do anything.

I walked back to the window, careful not to be seen. That's when Steven knocked on the doors. His whole
plan revolves around asking Price about his Ex - our previous client. Hopefully it would stall him enough so I could look in the window and see Sophie.

I heard him knock, and what sounded like a woman's voice, before a male voice accompanied her. That's when I took my shot and peered into the window.

"Have you seen..." Stevens voice faded into the background as I looked into the small glass window, seeing a tear streaked Sophie, hugging her knees in the corner of the room.

She looked broken, defeated, the same shell of a woman she had been when I first met her and my heart broke at the very sight of it. It wasn't until she reached up to wipe one of her tears that I breathed a sigh of relief. She was okay. Alive.

"Sorry man, I don't know what to tell you. Clara and I have been together for a month now, I haven't seen or heard from my ex since we broke up." The male, I assumed was Jaxon said.

"Well thanks for the help." Steven played the ever professional until the door closed and I met him back by the SUV.

"She seems okay, physically at least." I breathed as Stevens brows furrowed.

"Good, let's go get her." Steven motioned to the police cars pulling up behind my vehicle.

He explained everything to the officers and they took their positions once I had confirmed that Sophie was in fact inside.

One everyone was ready, the officers announced themselves and took the door. What followed could only be described as the start of a true nightmare.

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