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That red teddy was going to kill me. Literally in every sense of the word. Her golden hair was falling down past her nipples as she slowly stalked towards me with nothing but a thong and some mesh to cover her beautiful body.

"Wow." I all but bugged out as she placed her delicate hands on my chest and knelt above me, her knees on each side of my waist.

"I know tonight wasn't what you had planned, but I still wanted to thank you for taking me. I know I don't say this enough but I really do appreciate everything you did to help me, with my parents and then since then." She smiled softly kissing my lips before she pulled back and ran one hand through my hair.

Her fingers remained at the back of my head and were gently teasing and massaging my scalp as my eyes fluttered closed and clarity hit me.

"Tonight was perfect. Not because everything went as planned, but because you were with me." I sat up so that our noses were touching each other. "And what you said, to Sierra. No one, not even my mother has ever stuck up for me like that.."

"I would do it again and again." She smiled. "You don't deserve to be talked to like that. It doesn't matter to me what happened, no one deserves that."

Her words sparked something deep inside of me. A vulnerable place I had locked away in a box deep deep down. I loved her, I was in love with her. I was already passed the point of no return and I knew by the look on her face that I was going to drag her down with me.

What she didn't realize was that I had already burned most of my bridges. My mother was the exception, and as I leaned in to kiss Sophie I knew what I needed to do, and it didn't give off the happy ending vibes newly weds usually had.

I was going to have to make her hate me. She would be better off sticking out this marriage from a distance, somewhere I couldn't tear her heart apart, because her heart was pure and kind. It was the kind of heart that people like me always destroyed no matter how well our intentions were.

In A perfect world, we could just keep building on this mutual attraction, maybe even stay married - lord knows the longer I spent with her, the more I wanted exactly that. In my world, anything more than a platonic friendship led to destroying the very people I care about.

Sierra had been right about one thing. I wouldn't change. It didn't matter that Sophie made me want to be better, made me want things I didn't know I would ever want. Work always would come first.

I studied Sophie's eyes as I came to grips with the predicament I was in. Realizing that I was in love with Sophie, and knowing I couldn't be deserving of her, felt more devastating than finding out Sierra had cheated.

"You okay?" She asked me softly as her hands skirted down my torso.

"Fine" I laughed as her hand kept a steady rubbing rhythm over my junk.

She took me by surprise when she kissed me deeply before moving down my body. The look in her eyes was something confident, sexy and alluring as she pulled off my underwear and her hands grasped onto me.

I was about to protest when I felt her wet mouth covering me. I didn't tell her what to do, my body reacting strangely to the feeling of her mouth as she bobbed up and down. It had only been a minute or so but for the life of me I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold it much longer.

"Soph, you're going to have to stop." I said. "I don't want to come without being inside of you."

She chuckled, the vibrations working all the way up my shaft in a way that nearly had me accidentally coming all inside her mouth.

I could relax a little when the cold air hit my tip briefly. It didn't last too long though because no sooner had she freed me from her mouth, she was taking charge and sinking herself down onto me.

"Fuck Soph." I groaned as my hands moved to steady her waist.

"Mas-" she started before leaning forward, her nipples grazing my chest as her lips grazed my ear. "Tonight, I take care of you." She whispered before she moved her lips to my mouth and began grinding her hips against mine.

I let her set the pace, holding her as she moved on top
Of me, only guiding her when she was so close her legs were trembling. For a first timer she was doing amazing.

As soon as her walls clenched down on me and she screamed her release my own eyes rolled back as I unloaded myself into her as she collapsed onto my chest.

Neither of us moved after that. Her face remained on my chest as I ran my hand up and down the side of her face. When her breathing slowed, I pulled the covers onto us.

Once I was certain she was asleep I kissed her forehead and whispered the three words I knew I could never say to her.

"I love you."

In a dream world I would tell her those words all day everyday and in my dreams that night I did just that. But reality isn't a dream, and that's why when we woke up the next morning I had to do the hard part- putting distance between us.

I didn't make breakfast, nor did I turn on the coffee pot. I just woke up, got dressed and left for work. The very actions themselves easy enough to do. The difficult part was not replying to her messages, or being short with her, and then keeping her out of my mind as I worked beside Steven.

By the time I left the office it was late and I knew from the texts that she was worried. I didn't want her to hate me, but we needed some distance so I couldn't hurt her. Which is why when I got home I made the decision to be an asshole, and picked a stupid fight to give us both just that.

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