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I have never been so angry to the point I have actually wanted to hurt someone, but after hearing what happened to Sophie, I was determined to find this guy and make him pay.

It hurt me to look at her after I knew what she had gone through, but knowing that she was now so scared that she was asking me for protection, broke my heart into so many pieces that I didn't even know how to reassure her anymore, still distracting her was worth a shot?

Me: What are you doing?

Wifey: Eating unhealthy food and binge watching Netflix.

Me: I want to take you somewhere tonight?

Wifey: Like a date? Or like 'I'm driving you to the woods to hide your body'?

Me: definitely the first one. Who else would eat all the pancakes?

Wifey: Good point.

Me: Be ready at six, I'll pick you up after work.

Wifey: Sure thing Mr Hughes.

Me: See you later Mrs Hughes.

Honestly, it was a planned distraction. I wanted to remind her that she was safe, to enjoy her pregnancy so she could look back on it fondly in the future. It was also time she knew the truth about how I really felt.

I worked all day and as a part of the deal Steven was personally taking on the role of her bodyguard. A comfort in itself since Sophie knew him and he knew how high the stakes were to keep her protected.

When I eventually got off work, I rushed home to her. It was the best part of my day, coming home, holding her on the couch and feeling our nugget moving inside of her.

She was dressed in a flowing maxi dress that hid her little bump, her hair curled over her shoulders. She looked perfect, beautiful in a way that had me dying to get us going so I could profess my love to her.

"Wow! You look amazing Soph." I smiled as I took her hand and kissed her head.

"Thanks, you ready to go? Me and the little nugget are starving." She bounced on her heels and I could tell she was secretly excited.

I led her out to the car and drove her to one of my favorite rooftop restaurants. It was the kind of place I didn't take many people, but the string lights and ambience was something that created a real sense of romance, perfect for what I had planned.

Sophie smiled and talked animatedly all the way to the restaurant. Apparently she had a surprise to show me later, which ultimately sent my mind straight to the gutter.

"Come on." I smiled when we arrived. "I can wait for your surprise, but first I have one of my own." I smiled and helped her out of the car and to the elevator.

Once we were seated we ordered some drinks and food and settled into our seats. I watched her as she looked around in awe, my only focus on her.

"It's really beautiful up here Mason." Her face turned back to mine as she reached her hand - the one with her wedding ring, over the table to cover mine. "Thank you. I know this is a distraction, but it still means a lot that you would go to this trouble."

"Listen, Soph, I'll admit I did want to distract you, but that's not the only reason I brought you here." I said, mentally prepping myself to say those little words.

That's when the waitress, Alicia or something like that came back with our food, ruining the moment. I could be dumb, but not dumb enough to get in front of a pregnant woman and her food.

"This is so good!" She rolled her eyes as she inhaled her food and I suppressed a laugh.

We talked about normal stuff after that, vacations we wanted to take, tv shows she had been binging while I worked, and finally she let it slip that Hunter had been coming to visit more now.

"Hunter as in my cousin?" I asked confused, Hunter wasn't the type to just help out without needing something in return.

"Yeah, turns out he's pretty savvy when it comes to decorating." She joked before clearly seeing the concern on my face. "It's okay that he's been helping right? I mean with everything going on I just thought it would be better to keep the people helping to just family and Steven?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "You're right. I'm just surprised you didn't say anything sooner."

She shrugged it off and with the relaxed, romantic moment over, I paid the check and took us home. Sophie was smiling the whole way back and though I couldn't figure out why, she kept giving me the same response. "You'll have to wait and see."

As we pulled up I couldn't help but think about how much time Hunter had been spending here. I didn't outright ask, was it just a few hours, days, weeks. More importantly, why was my cousin so invested in my wife. It's not as if he had paid attention to Sierra when she was around, or had he?

Sophie took my hand as we walked into the house and began pulling me towards the stairs.

"Soph?" she turned to face me with an excited gleam in her eyes. "You know what, it doesn't matter." I stopped myself from the words I was going to say -'did something happen with you and Hunter?'

She smiled and pulled me up the stairs to the room that was hers and stood at the closed door facing me. I thought for sure she was about to tell me that she was sleeping with my cousin. I mean Sierra had cheated so why wouldn't she? Clearly it was a trend.

When she opened the door we stepped into the room and she flicked on the light. When she did my mouth opened in shock. Gone were the white walls and guest furniture that had once occupied this room, in its place a complete nursery, only lacking the crib which sat in its box by the window.

"Surprise!" She smiled at me. "Hunter said the crib making was a big deal and that you should be given the chance to build it since I kind of made him and Steven do the rest.

"This is what he's been helping you with?" I asked stunned. The walls were a very pale grey, lined with different colored shapes and numbers. It looked like a kids room and I made the mental note not to jump to conclusions in the future.

"Yeah, I think your mom put him up to it. She caught me trying to move the old bed out one day and he's been showing up ever since." She chuckled as I pulled her close and cupped her beautiful face in my hands.

I wasn't going to wait any longer. I didn't need to create a perfect moment, she was already perfect and every moment with her was as perfect as the last.

"You are an amazing woman Sophie."

"Well it kept me busy and.."

"No, you are amazing and I want to tell you something." I said as I rubbed her cheek and she looked at me softly.

"What is.."

"I love you Sophie. I love every thing about you. Your caring and sweet and no one has ever made me want any of this." I motioned to the room we were standing in. "But with you, I can't see my life without it. I love you, more than I can ever say with words and I wanted you to know that."

I don't know what I expected her to say or do, but the tears and silence I was greeted with wasn't in my plans.

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