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You know the feeling of being completely lost and having no clue how to handle it? That's how it felt when I laid my eyes on those two little sticks showing the positive marks.

My initial reaction was shock, quickly replaced with a mix of excitement and nerves. We were going to have a child, a little human that was half me and half her. It was the future I never knew I wanted, yet knowing that it was happening had me determined to be the husband she deserved to have.

Unfortunately the news didn't cancel out the other conversation we needed to have about Sierra and her father, and now I had to find another way to handle that situation. I couldn't leave my pregnant wife, and I didn't want to.

Once Sophie had calmed down a little we laid back on the bed as I held her. This wasn't a conversation that could be avoided and now that our child was included in the dilemma, she needed to know the truth.

"Soph I need to tell you something?"

"Can it wait? I'm just really tired." She mumbled and I really wanted to agree and let her rest.

If there was one thing I had learnt, it was that putting things off never made it easier. I needed to tell her now, she had the right to know that

"No Soph it can't." I tried to be delicate. "It's about Sierra." I admitted as she sat up to look at me.

"What is it?" She asked but I could already see the question in her eyes, the one that told me she was scared of what I was about to say.

"Sierras dad, he gave me the money to start the company. Obviously we were together back then and her father had suggested that we use the company as an inheritance for any grandchild that came along." I took a second to take a breath.

"Obviously she left, and her dad and I remained friends. He kept telling me to move on and never brought up the loan again. Until a few days ago. Apparently Sierra had called him and she wants me back." I heard Sophie gasp and I knew I needed to finish explaining before she got the wrong idea.

"I told him I was married already and he suggested that I leave you and just have one child with Sierra, of course I told him that wasn't an option but Soph, I know men like him. He won't stop until he gets what he wants even if that means hurting you. That's why I have been so distant. I don't want you to get hurt." I dropped my head, ashamed that I even made the deal in the first place.

It took her a few minutes before her hand moved to rest on my thigh and her head rested beside mine.

"So what do we do now? I mean if he tries to act on anything?" She asked without a hint of anger in her voice.

"I don't know. I honestly didn't know how you were going to react and I'm still processing that we are having a baby. I think i need to talk to Steven, maybe get someone to keep an eye on you?"

"I don't need a bodyguard Mason."

"Soph, I meant every word I said about protecting you, protecting our child. Sierra and her father, they don't play fair. If anything happened to you, or to our child I would never forgive myself."

"Im a big girl Mason. I trust you and I understand that your worried, but I can't hide away for the rest of my life."


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