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I have never felt so blind sighted in my whole life. Sierra was beautiful, not just average beautiful, but like runway, magazine cover beautiful with long curly hazelnut hair that contrasted with some bright green eyes.

I had no clue that she was coming, or that she was as big of a trigger for Mason as she clearly was. So, not only was I trying to get over the awkward introduction, but run interference and calm Mason who was holding me so tight it was almost painful.

It got worse when she notice the rings Julie had given me for our wedding. I didn't know the overall value other than them being Julie's rings, but apparently Sierra knew. It declined further when Mason told her to leave. I actually think her head exploded a little.

"You want me to leave?" She snorted. "Did you forget who helped you start this company? Who stayed up to help you get all your plans together?" I did. You know what I got in return? A boyfriend who was never home, someone who cared more about this building and the people in it than he did his own girlfriend."

Thankfully we were in a corner at the far end of the room and everyone else was still happily conversing down towards the front near the food. The last thing we needed was a scene in front of Masons Employees.

"That's not fair!" I interjected on his behalf as she laughed.

"Really? So you're telling me he hasn't left during something important and personal for work yet?" She started as I briefly remembered our honeymoon. "Oh he has. I'm not surprised."

"Sierra." Mason warned.

"No. I gave up so much for you and you couldn't even give me enough time to get through a dinner." She continued before focusing back on me, "I pity you. You think you can change him? get him to settle down? He won't change. Work will always come first to him." She seethed as my own anger flared up.

"Your wrong!" I blurted out, squeezing his hand to make sure he was still with me. "Mason is a great person and what he is doing here is a great thing. He told me from the start how much his work means to him and I respect that. He has built something he is proud of and I intend to support him as he does something he loves and cares about. That's what you do in a marriage, you support their dreams even if you have to make sacrifices. I am proud of what he does, of how many people this company helps. I would think that you would have appreciated it more too since this whole thing was because of your friend. So yes, he may have to leave a few dinners, but if I have to eat alone so that some poor girl can feel safe as she gets home from work, then I will do it until the day I die."

I didn't drop my eye contact as I continued to defend Mason. "I made my vows with open eyes. I knew what I was signing up for and I have nothing but respect for him because of it. I don't know why you even came here if all you wanted to do was tear him down. He is a great man and a wonderful husband, so pity me if you want, but it won't ever compare to how much I pity you for not realizing how much of an amazing man you had."

I felt Mason rubbing his thumb over my hand as Sierra watched us both. Then without another word, she turned on her heels and quickly left.

"I've said it before, I'll say it again and again, don't mess this up. KEEP HER!" Steven said sternly to Mason as I burst into laughter.

"He couldn't get rid of me, Julie would kill him herself." I teased as Mason just smiled down at me with an unfiltered expression on his face.

"I need more alcohol after that." Stevens wife grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. "Girl you really love him." She beamed once we were away from the men. "It's fine you don't have to say it out loud, but if that was Stevens ex, I would have helped her castrate him for lying to me that she was even here, but you? Girl you put Sierra in her place and defended Mason in a way that I don't think anyone ever has before."

"Wait? No one sticks up for him? Why?" I asked as I grabbed a glass and took a small sip."

"His family thinks he works too much, Steven thinks he works too much, shit even I think that man works too much." She said downing her glass and grabbing another. "But you? You didn't think about what you thought, you stood proud of your man and that, right there, that is love in its truest form."

"How much did you drink?" I chuckled.

"Four? Maybe five? No wait... six. Six, I stole Ste's while you were giving Sierra your two cents." She laughed.

"Damn, let's get back to the men. I think you need to get some rest." I smiled as I helped her back to the men.

"Promise we can be friends?" She pouted.

"Absolutely. I don't really have any friends."

"Yay! Besties then?" She pulled me into a hug laughing as we got back to the guys.

"Damn, babe. How much, never mind. Let's get you home." Steven said putting her arm over his shoulder.

"I have a new best friend." She mumbled as he said goodbye and helped her outside.

Once they were gone Mason pulled me close by my waist and gently claimed my lips with his. I didn't even try to fight it, everything about this kiss felt perfect, right.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"I meant it." I replied honestly.

"You continue to surprise me Mrs Hughes." His lips vibrated against mine as he spoke.

"We can talk about it tomorrow, because I have questions." I placed my hands on his chest before checking to make sure no one was watching, then I slid one hand, shielded by my body, above the fabric at his crotch. "Right now, I want you to take me home. I have a surprise for you." I winked as he let out a low growl and pulled me quickly behind him.

I wasn't lying, I did have questions. Sierra was something I didn't fully understand yet. The drama had let me get out of my own problems though, and since I never got to use the sexy set from our honeymoon I was going to pull it out.

Sierra had been so hateful and with all Mason did to distract me from my problems, I was going to repay the favor.

I would show him just how much I had meant every word. Real marriage or not, Mason deserved someone to love him pure and raw, the way he deserved, and even though I was still inexperienced, I was determined to do just that.

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