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I didn't know just how much you could really love someone else until I held the two alien looking bundles in my arms. Glancing between each of their little faces and their beautiful mothers, I finally felt as if my life was complete.

This was my family.

They were the best thing to ever happen to me and no matter what I would always be there for them, no matter what.

I could tell that Sophie was tired, and as she fell asleep I sent up a quick thank you to whatever higher power was looking out for her, for our family.

When she finally woke up around eleven I had already put the twins in their little hospital bassinets so I could close my eyes. It worked for a while until Christopher needed a diaper change, shortly followed by Harleigh. Thankfully the nurse was able to walk me through how to do it.

"Hey!" Sophie smiled at me as I set the sleeping twins back in their cribs.

"Hey beautiful." I got up and leaned over to kiss her. "You're the most amazing woman I've ever met and I love you so much!" I said before I lightly pressed my lips against hers.

Eventually the nurse brought food in. Sophie had already slept through breakfast and was just finishing up feeding the twins when she arrived with two trays.

"I brought a tray for dad too! Figured you would both need something after the long night!" She smiled kindly. It was a different nurse to last night, this one older and less flirty.

"Thank you!" I glanced at her.

"No problem."

As Sophie began to eat I finally took a picture of both the twins and informed Steven and Mia of their arrival, along with the message to keep the fact we had twins as a surprise.

Thankfully they were great and offered to get extra furniture after they came to visit first.

Next I texted everyone else to tell them what room we were in, giving nothing more than 'Sophie went into labor last night, we are in room two hundred if you want to visit!'

It was about an hour later when everyone began to arrive. Mia and Steven were first and after about thirty minutes of baby cuddles and checking on Sophie, they excitedly left to go shopping.

That's when Mom, and Sophie's parents joined us. It was clear that they weren't even looking at me when they walked past me and Harleigh and went straight to Sophie and Christopher.

"Oh my goodness! A grandson! Julie can you believe it! He's perfect!" Sophie's mother beamed at her as her dad just cried.

"He is." Sophie agreed. "But.." she looked at me as our parents began to tense a little.

"Is be okay? Is he sick?" My mom asked as I moved from behind them to the side of the bed.

"He's Perfectly fine, both him and his sister are absolutely perfect!" I smiled as our parents finally put eyes on Harleigh and began crying."

"Twins?" My mother asked? "But how?"

"We didn't know, well until Sophie had to push out another child!" I stated.

Hunter joined soon after as the babies got passed around from person to person. Hunter was the last to hold the twins, and the look that crossed his face was one I had never seen before.

"You okay?" I asked as I walked him out after so Sophie could feed them.

"Yeah. Congrats man. They are perfect! I can't wait to be the best second cousin ever!"

"Okay, well you're welcome any time! Im sure Sophie would love to see you when she's not all tired and drugged up!" I said as he chuckled at my response.

"Yeah she's kind of out of it!" He smiled. "Let me know when you get home and I'll stop by!"

"Deal." I grinned.

They had all stayed for about two hours and when Hunter left behind them and walked down the hall away from the room I couldn't help but feel thankful. Thankful for Sophie, for our families, and more than anything I was thankful that she chose me.

We stayed in the hospital for another day while Sophie got the hang of breastfeeding and the twins had their hearing checks and everything else they needed before we went home.

Home: A place for my family to grow and love.

"Okay, these are you're discharge papers. Follow up with your Obgyn and make sure you schedule a pediatrician appointment soon so they can monitor the babies growth." The older nurse explained and I was more than relieved she was the last nurse we would see.

"This is the application for the birth certificates. You fill it out and mail it. In the event you want a paternity test Dad, there's a form in the envelope with how to do that if you want to wait or I can do it before you leave. Congratulations to you both!" She smiled kindly before leaving the room.

"Do you want a paternity test?" Sophie asked.

"I don't need one. I know you Soph and I know you wouldn't cheat, but we are going to have to get one done for the inheritance so I'll just have her do it before we leave." I spoke as I tried to buckle Harleigh into her car seat.

Sophie called the nurse back in soon after, and a quick blood sample and mouth swab and we were told the results would be back in a week or so. Then she helped Sophie into a wheel chair, something about hospital policy, as I grabbed the two car seats and we made our way to the truck.

When we eventually made it home, we had two very fussy babies. I smiled as Sophie got settled on the couch and picked them both up, setting each one on a different breast to eat.

"What?" She asked when she noticed me staring.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking about how perfect this is, how perfect you are! I love you!" I sat beside her and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too!" She smiled back.

Finally, my life was complete.

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