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Honestly his response caught me off guard and left me off kilter with how I felt about the whole day. We had both been on the same page about the wedding and how it was fake and that nothing would happen more than a few kisses here and there.

Imagine how it felt to have experienced your first kiss that you can actually remember and then be told by your husband from a fake relationship that he wants to have a traditional wedding night.

I'm no genius but I'm pretty sure that usually involves sex? I'm not an idiot, I mean I know the whole 'what's supposed to happen' aspect of it, but actually doing it? From the stories I heard in college of girls in the bathroom it didn't sound like something I wanted to rush towards.

I mean obviously it didn't put them off because most of them were gossiping weeks later about who they had slept with, but the minor detail of them complaining that it hurt was enough to deter me from trying. Deciding to cause myself pain wasn't something I did at all.

Internally I was freaking out at what he had suggested, but the sound of the guests had me concealing that deep down. We still had the loan sharks to impress and if that meant playing the part a little longer so be it.

It was the biggest reason that I deflected and dragged Mason back to the party. Of course our first dance was expected first, and as we twirled around in circles to 'my person' by Spencer Crandall.

It was slow and sweet and I kept my face buried in his neck as he twirled me in slow circles, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. When the song was over I kissed him again for the crowd before we parted to get champagne and talk to the guests.

His cousins congratulations came first and then his mother. A couple of his work friends came next and then it was my parents turn just as the two burly men also joined us.

"Mason," the bigger man said. "We are going to head out. It was a beautiful service and you can consider our deal all but done. As long as the check deposits in the morning we are good." He shook Masons hand. "Sophie, I do wish you both the best, it really was beautiful." He smiled in a way that turned my stomach and had me leaning into Mason.

"As for you." He turned to my father. "Consider this your only lucky chance. We will never do business again with you, but the next person may not be so forgiving." He warned my father as he visibly gulped and nodded.

He left after and I turned to my parents, ignoring that Mason was still there. "That's your only chance. The next time I won't be there to help you. If you need money, ask next time. I won't ask Mason to bail you out." I explained as both my parents nodded. "Now go and enjoy the party, I need to find Julie."

"She's a little busy." Mason smiled at his mom who was playing with one of the cousins three year olds.

"It's fine, I like kids." I smiled before leaving him to join Julie.

I spent the next hour or so sipping my single glass of champagne and playing with Masons niece Emma. It was mostly just me an Julie spinning her in circles to the music but it was still a lot of fun. As everyone started winding down to leave I wondered just how serious Mason had been earlier.

A part of me wanted him to be kidding. The part of me that knew crossing that boundary would leave the deep kind of scars that lasted the rest of your life. The other part of me, the carefree side, wanted to get it out of the way.

If the bathroom stories were correct it was only lousy the first time and since we were married it shouldn't be a big deal. I mean as long as we both agreed it was a one time thing it couldn't hurt right?

"Hey." Masons arms wrapped around my waist as the last of his cousins said goodbye.

"Hey." I smiled at him.

"Feel better now everything is over with?"

"Yeah but I wanted to ask you something? About what you said earlier?" I hinted as his mother walked up to say goodbye.

"Sophie, you are a beautiful bride and I love that you're a part of the family regardless of why. Mason you treat her the way a lady deserves you hear me." She warned as I laughed.

"Yes mom." He rolled his eyes before we both gave her a hug and watched her leave. "The cleaning crew will get this in the morning." He grinned with a gleam in his eye before picking me up bridal style and carrying me into the house.


"What? Mom said to do it right?" He argued and I knew I wouldn't win that battle.

He set me down on my feet in the kitchen and handed me a bottle of water before his arms pinned me against the counter.

"Soph, I meant what I said earlier. It's fine if you don't want too, I mean it's a big deal and I get that. But, if I'm honest, I haven't stopped watching you all night and as beautiful as you look in that dress, I really just want to get you out of it." He grinned with confidence that I did not possess.

"I think, I think I want to." I whispered as my face heated up. "But Mason I'm scared. I mean we just had our first kiss. We are finally getting along, what if it changes this." I motioned between us.

"Well, Mrs Hughes, what if it makes us better?" He asked and I'd be lying if I said him calling me by his name didn't make me feel hotter.

"What if I said we could try it? But Mase I'm serious, you have to stop if I tell you too, I don't know what I'm doing and I heard it hurts and we still don't really know each—" I began to ramble until he silenced me with his lips.

"We stop as soon as you want to." He reassured me.

"Okay." I said still very much unsure.

"Alright Mrs Hughes, let's give it a whirl shall we?" He smirked before hoisting me up bridal style again and carrying me up the stairs.

Oh, how things were going to change.

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