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It was official three days ago. Everything I have, my inheritance, my half of the company, all of it now belongs to the twins. Sophie is in charge until they are older if anything happens to me, but it definitely feels as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

A weight that was Sierra.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about tonight's dinner with her and her father. Knowing that Sophie and the kids were protected eased the burden slightly, but I knew there would be some kind of backlash once they knew the truth.

It's how they were.

It's how I used to be.

"You look beautiful!" I smiled at my wife as we pulled up to the restaurant. Sierra had pushed for an intimate dinner at her fathers house, but I had insisted on a public setting.

The news we were about to share would require witnesses. Many witnesses.

"You look handsome as ever as well!" She grinned leaning over the console to kiss my cheek.  "Let's go and get this out of the way." She leaned back and sighed.

I quickly got out of the car and ran to the other side, opening her door and helping her out. She let out a small chuckle before she wrapped her hand around my bicep and we made our way into the restaurant.

"Mason, Sophie, such a delight to see you again!" Alan smiled, clearly still under the impression that Sophie was oblivious to the situation we were about to discuss.

"You as well, sir!" Sophie smiled kindly as she placed her free hand in his.

"Well, sit. Sit. Tell me how's married life? Everything working out well for you?" He asked looking at Sophie.

We sat down, my hand instantly finding hers under the table. We were a team, we would handle this like one. United until the end.

"It's been great so far. I don't really have any complaints." She tan her fingertips over the back of my hand as if she knew I was the one who needed the reassurance most in this whole exchange.

"Really? His work doesn't bother you?" Alan seemed genuinely curious and I couldn't help but wonder what his angle was.

"Nope. " Sophie shook her head. "I think what he does is amazing and I know that no matter what he will be there if I really need him." She glanced at me and I didn't miss the loving look she gave me.

"Fascinating." He replied glancing between the two of us.

"Daddy." Sierra interrupted as Alan rolled his eyes.

"Not now. Mason can I speak with you a moment?" He asked as I nodded and reluctantly let go of Sophie's hand, following him to the bar.

"I've misjudged your relationship it seems." He sighed. "It's clear that you both really care about each other."

"We do." I stated without hesitation.

"Kind of puts a wretch in the plans don't you think?" He chuckled as I took a deep breath.

"Plans can always be changed." I countered.

"Perhaps, but there's one thing you don't understand. One day you'll have kids of your own. You'll do anything for them, give them your last breath if they needed it. You'll do anything for their happiness." He attempted to explain, but I cut him off.

"Do you really think she would be happy with me? She already left once because she was miserable, and that was when I actually loved her."

"You don't love her now?" He raised his eyebrow in a silent question.

"Not to be rude but I don't. I don't think I ever could love her again after our history. I can't make the feelings appear for her anymore than I could erase the ones I feel for Sophie. You didn't ask, but I don't think she would be happy long term with me. She needs someone who chooses her, not someone forced to marry her, or she's never going to be happy."

"I think we should get back to the girls before they fight." He motioned to the table where Sophie and Sierra were currently staring daggers at each other. "But Mason, you've always been like family. I'm going to take what you said into consideration. Is there anything else you wanted to say?" He asked and I shook my head.

I should probably have told him about the twins, but Sophie wanted to be a part of watching Sierra receive that news. Based on the look on her face, I wasn't willing to put myself on the receiving end.

"Nothing I can tell you without Sophie present. Although we do have something we wanted to tell you after dinner."

"Perfect, let's go eat."

The dinner was tense and at best cordial as Sierra tried her best to flirt and get some kind of response from me. It made me wonder what I had ever really seen in her that wasn't superficial.

Sophie was politely talking with Alan about her school plans, and how she wanted to help me with the company to make it reachable on a wider scale. Ideas that she clearly had given thought to, and yet I didn't know about it.

This wasn't the time or place to ask her though.

Either way, whatever she was doing was working on Alan. I knew the look on his face well. It wasn't the hard shell he used on the masses, but the relaxed comfortable look he gave at family dinners, holidays, or Sunday night football games.

She was definitely winning.

"It seems I have misjudged my earlier decision." He knitted his hands together on the table after the plates were cleared. "I am letting you out of our deal."

"B..but Daddy!" Sierra whined.

"No buts Sierra. You already destroyed him once and I won't have it again. He has someone who wants to embrace his life, his career, to take that away so he can be your arm candy would be cruel!"  Alan didn't even glance at her, only looking at Sophie as she smiled with gratitude.

Sierra got up and stormed off leaving us alone as I sent an apologetic glance at Alan. In the end he was just a dad doing what he thought was best for his daughters happiness. A feeling I knew I would become aquatinted with as Harleigh grew up.

"I'll get the check and meet you at the front?" I kissed Sophie's temple as she nodded and walked to the front doors with Alan.

Perhaps things would be okay after all.

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