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"I don't know why she was there. I saw her as we were walking out and hid Sophie in my chest until we got to the car. I don't think she saw her or recognized me, but I figured you'd want to know." Hunter explained and as much as I hated that he had gone inside the appointment with Sophie, I was also glad.

"Thanks Hunter. Tell Sophie I'm heading home. I'll see you both when I get there." I sighed as Steven walked into my office.

"Leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah, Sierra was at the doctors office today." I explained as he nodded.

"Gotcha, go do what you need to. I can close up." He replied.

"Thanks Ste."

"No problem partner." He smiled and I knew that he was going to embrace the new role. We had finished the paperwork this morning and as of eleven this morning he was officially a partner of the firm.

I patted his shoulder as I left and after a quick drive I was making long strides into the house. We had discussed me taking leave after today anyway, of course I would still work remotely from home, but Steven would be responsible for the office until I returned after the birth of baby Hughes.

I was throwing him in at the deep end, but I knew he could handle it. He knew the company as well as I did and I had complete faith in him to handle anything that could happen.

"Soph?" I called out as I walked through the doors.

The sound of her voice travelled through the living room as I walked towards the kitchen.

"I think your husbands home." Hunter said.

"I guess that means your off the hook from babysitting me?" She chuckled. "But seriously, thank you. I don't know what we would have done if she had seen me today."

"No problem, just keep my new cousin healthy so I can meet em." He replied as I finally reached eyesight of them, sitting at the island with a glass of water each.

"Hey." I announced as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Honey." She smiled at me before turning back to Hunter. "Thanks again." She said to him as she hoisted herself off the chair and pulled him into a hug.

"No problem. I should be going." He replied as he hugged her back and then looked over at me. "Let me know if you need me."

Then he was gone and I finally felt like I could breathe again. Hunter was great and I really did appreciate him helping Sophie, but his reputation precedes him when it comes to women.

He's not the guy that cares about if a girl is taken, if he wants something he just makes sure he gets it. In fact, it was his shameless flirting with Sierra, paired with her distant behavior that told me that there were cracks in our relationship. It was because of him I found out she was cheating.

The only thing I never understood was how he knew before I did? It had crossed my mind that perhaps he had been with her himself, but he swore that it was just because they were friends that he had noticed her strange behavior.

"So the doctor said it could be any time now." Sophie nonchalantly explained as she sipped on a cola. "She said to time the contractions and go to the hospital if my water breaks or if something doesn't feel right."

"Well," I grinned pushing my morbid thoughts away, "it's a good thing I started my leave today. Steven is an official partner and I'll be home with you until you're tired of me."

She smiled and reached for my hand, linking our fingers. "I don't know if I'll ever get tired of you." She leaned over the island and kissed me.

"Good, because you're stuck with me." I kissed her back, upset when it ended all too quickly.

"Come on. I have just the way to celebrate our new time off together." She smiled pulling me to the couch. "It involved me and you, a bowl of ice cream, and all the cuddles I can give."

"Sounds perfect." I watched as she struggled to get up. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just Braxton Hix" she sighed, throwing out the rest of her coke and getting some water.

"Go sit and find a movie Soph, I'll bring the ice cream." I offered as she visibly relaxed and waddled to the living room.

I quickly grabbed the white chocolate ice cream she didn't know I had bought her and joined her with the whole tub and one spoon. My only plan was to pamper and love her. She was doing the hard work carrying our child and it seemed like the least I could do.

I sat on the couch and pulled her feet up so that she was sitting beside me, but angled so that her legs crossed over my waist. I set the tub of ice cream on her bump as she raised her eyebrows.

"Do I look like a table?" She rolled her eyes.

"No, but I'm going to need my hands if you want the whole package." I faked annoyance and she chuckled.

"Fine, but just know, I'm going to remember this!"


We watched three different movies that afternoon until we were both exhausted. We were just about to go to bed when my phone rang. If it were anyone else I would have sent it to voicemail, but we were too close to blow up the plan now.

"Alan!" I answered.

"Mason! Have you managed to talk your wife into that dinner yet? Sierra is bugging me about you coming over!" He said in a tone that told me he was getting suspicious.

"Sophie just has another week or two to submit work for school. Yes she's her—- hold on" I sighed as Sophie looked at me in horror.

"Hello?" She sounded calm even if she was shooting me daggers with her eyes. "Yes sir, I would love too. As soon as I finish getting all my entries in. With the start of school coming in a few weeks time I want to make sure that I'm ready to go. As soon as I'm done I'll have Mason set something up." Sophie sounded oblivious to Alan's plot against her and my chest swelled with pride.

"Yes Alan, we will be in touch soon." I sighed as I took the phone back and then disconnected. "Thank you." I muttered to Sophie as she smirked at me.

"You're welcome, now what's my prize?" Her eyes glistened mischievously and I could already feel myself getting harder by the second.

"Only a night you'll never forget!"

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