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"I love you Sophie. I love every thing about you. Your caring and sweet and no one has ever made me want any of this." He motioned to the room we were standing in. "But with you, I can't see my life without it. I love you, more than I can ever say with words and I wanted you to know that." He continued as my eyes filled with tears.

It was almost too good to be true. I didn't know if I had misheard him or if I was hallucinating until he brushed a tear from my eye and brought me back to the present.

"I love you Sophie, and it's okay if you don't feel the same, I just, I needed to say it."

"Mason, I didn't know what to expect when my parents gave me to you. It hurt, a lot. But I learnt something over the eight months we have spent together. I learnt that you care more than you admit you do, that you take care of your family, of me. You don't back down to protect those you care about and you are honestly one of the best people I have ever met. I feel safe when your here and it's not because I think you can take the world on all by yourself." I explained as he watched me with a look of fear in his eye. "It's because I love you too."

"Really?" He asked as his own eyes filled with tears.

"Really. I love you so much more than I knew I could love another person. You are a great husband and you are going to be a great father." I smiled moving one of his hands down to my stomach where the little nugget was very actively rolling around.

He leaned in and kissed me as I did, and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. "I want us to be a real family Sophie. I have never felt this way about anyone, not even Sierra. That is, if you want that too?"

"Well, Mr Hughes, I believe we are already married." I chuckled as he leaned in and kissed me again. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist and let him carry me out of the nursery to our room across the hall.

"I love you Mrs Hughes."

"I love you Mr Hughes." I grinned as I pulled him closer to me "now show me." I baited him. Pregnancy hormones were a pain, but they sure did make sex so much more enjoyable.

Every touch was heightened in such a way that I felt it deep inside of me. He barely had to touch me and I was already panting and moaning. Even so, the part that meant the most to me wasn't the touching or even the sex, it was how he took his time, took care of me, let me see his vulnerabilities while allowing me to share my own.

It didn't take long for me to be wet and ready for him. Our kiss in the nursery probably had me ready before we even came in here, but I couldn't help but admire how much he truly meant to me in this moment.

"I hope you're not asleep in there," he talked to my bump as he laid a kiss over my belly, "I don't want to disturb you, but I need to show your mama how much I am in love with her."

My heart couldn't take it anymore, stupid hormones. I had two choices; I could cry and ruin the moment, or I could pull him back up to me and distract his mouth. Using my hands to cup his face, I did exactly that.

"I love you Soph, I love you so much that coming home to you has turned into the best part of my day." I felt him push into me as he slowly began to roll his hips.

"Maso- shit.... I love you.... God!" I wasn't sure if I even made sense, but I couldn't focus with him moving inside of me. He had just started and I was already about to hit the wave.

"You're perfect." He whispered in my ear and I couldn't hold it any longer, I shattered around him as I pulled his tongue into my mouth and he quickened his pace, rocking into me as I rode the waves of my orgasm until he too, found his release.

I curled up in his arms after, happy and content with my life and how things were turning out. I had never thought it would be possible for me when my parents gave me away, but now, lying in his arms, carrying his baby, I couldn't be happier they did.

"Soph?" He interrupted my thoughts, "I just want you to know, I will do everything in my power to protect you and our little nugget. I know you didn't want to find out the gender and that's fine, but I really am excited to have a family with you, whether it's a boy or girl."

"I know." I closed my eyes before suddenly getting an idea. "Why don't we pick some names for both?" I suggested as he shifted, pulling me to sit with him.

"Really?" His eyes lit up with excitement as he smiled down at me.

"Yeah, I mean not right now, because I don't think I want to explain to our child that we got their name after having sex, but I want you to be involved with it. I means it's your baby too." I explained only to be silenced with a brief kiss.

"I love you. I'm never going to get tired of saying it, or reminding you how important you are to me." He rested his head against mine as he spoke.

"Well it's a good thing I'm never going to get tired of hearing it." I smiled back. "Now let's get some sleep before this nugget wakes me up to pee a million times."

He kissed my forehead and pulled me back down to his chest. This whole evening felt like a huge dream, and as my eyes settled shut while i listened to his heartbeat, I couldn't picture myself anywhere else.

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