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I don't remember much after the basement, my last memory being the sound of gunshots ringing out upstairs, imagining Carly at the mercy of that monster.

She betrayed me, sure, but in a way she was also a victim of Jaxon. He manipulated her, used her, and then when he knew she wasn't on the same page as him, he tied her up and shot her.

The sounds of machines beeping combined with the bright light of this room roused me from my sleep, causing me to blink rapidly to adjust to my new surroundings. I was in a hospital.

There were wires and cords strapped to me and connecting me to various machines as I glanced down my body.

Masons head was nestled by my side as he hunched over the bed, his eyes closed but the tired circles still deeply present. He had one of my hands clasped inside of his and I wanted to try my best not to wake him. He deserved some rest and truth be told, I wasn't ready to talk about what happened.

I used my free hand and rubbed the side of my stomach, careful not to hit Masons other hand on my bump. The baby moved in response and I lifted my hand as the nurse appeared to get my vitals.

"Mrs Hughes, it's good to see you're awake. I'm just going to get some vitals on you and the baby and then I'll leave you be. If you need anything let me know." She smiled kindly and I felt oddly at ease with her considering why I was here.

"Thanks. Can we let him sleep though? I don't know if he will if he knows I'm awake." I sighed, "and do you think I could get some food? Or something to drink? I haven't eaten since before .. well." I stopped myself, trying to push back the memories that threatened to take over.

She must have sensed my discomfort, because she smiled again and began checking my vitals and the monitor attached to my stomach. "Of course we can, he hasn't left the room since you were admitted, as for the food, I can certainly see if the cafeteria has anymore dinner trays available, if not I know where the staff keeps extra snacks!" She winked and got back to her work.

"Thank you." I laid my head back, just staring at the ceiling. "How long have I been here?" I asked.

"It's been about six hours. The cafeteria usually closes at midnight, but they keep a few trays warm for the staff and the occasional cranky patient." She chuckled and I smiled.

"Has he eaten at all?" I was referring to Mason and thankfully she smiled.

"Yes, his mother I think threatened to drag him out if he didn't."

"That's Julie." I felt myself smiling. "Do my parents know I'm here?" She nodded before explaining that they had to leave after visiting hours with Julie and everyone else.

I hated that I had worried everyone. I was also mildly curious as to what happened to Jaxon and Carly. I hoped she was okay, that Jaxon was in jail forever. If this had proven anything it's that he wouldn't stop, and until he was in jail I would never be safe.

The nurse left briefly and as the door clicked shut Mason stirred beside me. So much for letting him sleep.

"Hey." I smiled squeezing his hand lightly.

"Sophie?" He blinked, almost as if he were checking I was really here. The realization clicking as he leaned up and cradled my face with his hands and his lips began feathering kisses all over my face until they finally connected with my lips soft and sweet. "Don't ever scare me like that okay?"

"I'm okay, we are okay. I'm just glad your here, Jax—" I took a deep breath. "I didn't know if you would be?" A tear slipped down my face as he kissed me again.

"Of course I'm here Soph. I wouldn't be anywhere else. I love you so freaking much and you gave me a heart attack." His hand moved back to my stomach as he began rubbing it gently with his thumb. "You, us, our baby and our family, it's the most important thing to me and whenever you're ready to talk, I'll be here to listen." He said as I winced.

"I don't want to talk about it." I looked away from him.

He tilted my face back to his and gave me an earnest, heartfelt look. "Then we won't talk about it. Just know I'm here for you okay? I'm not leaving you, I love you."

"Can I ask you something?" I said, unable to hold my curiosity in. "Is Carly okay?"

"She's going to be fine. Price was killed, but Carly should be okay after some counseling. I don't know if she's going to face any charges, I told the detectives we would call them when you were better."

If I'm honest I didn't know what to feel about that information. I guess I felt relieved that I didn't have to worry about Jaxon anymore, that Carly was going to be okay, but there was also a part of me that felt guilty, hurt.

Jaxon was a terrible person, but he was still someone's son, someone's brother, a friend to many people, and I couldn't help but feel as if it was my fault that they now had to mourn him.

I think Mason knew I was on the edge because he didn't wait for the tears to fall before he perched on the side of the bed and pulled my face into his chest. I didn't fight it this time, I just wrapped my arms around him and sobbed. Sobbed for the many lives that were forever changed by the events that had unfolded.

He didn't push me to talk about it, he just held me until I couldn't cry anymore. Whispering sweet words as I used his shirt as my own personal napkin. I didn't have to ask him, or tell him what I needed - he just knew.

Which is why when he uttered the next few words I knew, without a doubt, that he meant every single one.

"We are going to get through this Soph. Me and you together. I love you."

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