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I would be lying if I said I wasn't sore from last night. Honestly, I wasn't expecting it to be good and yet somehow, even though it wasn't a mind blowing experience like the movies make it seem, it wasn't the terrible 'fucked up' experience either. It was in between, nothing more than two people who respect each other joining themselves together.

Mason was still asleep when I woke up this morning and I'll admit that I may have watched him for a while before I finally decided to get showered and make breakfast.

What I hadn't planned for was the dried blood between my legs or the embarrassment of knowing it was probably on the sheets too.

Once I was clean I padded down to the kitchen, the sheets would need to wait until Mason woke up, but maybe he wouldn't notice and I could sneak up while he ate and dump them in the washer.

He joined me just as I began plating up the food and honestly I felt a little awkward when his arms snaked around my waist and he kissed the side of my cheek.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I mean I was fine, but I was a little confused about why he was continuing the ruse of us being in love when no one was here, and we were now already married.

"Okay, well I need to head to the office and sign some papers and then I can pick you up so we can get to the airport?" He smiled before taking a bite of the eggs I made.

It was almost too idealistic, too picturesque, like the perfect couple in all the movies that have their shit together despite not knowing anything about each other. The couple everyone secretly loathed and simultaneously wanted to be to give the impression that life was all rainbows and butterflies.

Of course, I wasn't about to tell Mason that I hated how cliche this whole exchange was going between us this morning so I simply nodded and ate some of my bacon.

We didn't really talk much as we ate, although Mason would occasional throw in something he thought I would need on our honeymoon or whatever it was, so it made me all the more shocked when I went to clear his plate for him and he followed me to the dishwasher.

His chest pressed against my back as he kissed my cheek for the second time since he came downstairs. It was odd and I couldn't figure out what his angle was.

"How are you feeling today? Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, something original and raw in his tone that had me turning in his arms to face him.

"I'm fine," I smiled. "A little sore but I'm going to assume that's normal. Why? Did I do something wrong? I .." I began to ramble as a series of nerves pertaining to last night washed over me like whitewater over a series of rocks.

"Soph, you were great, amazing. I just wanted to make sure I didn't hurt you, or make sure that you weren't already regretting it." He looked away seeming vulnerable.

For some unknown reason I felt bad for him during this sudden shy phase so I cupped his cheeks in my hands.

"You didn't hurt me, everything was great. I'm a little sore but I'm sure it's fine and as for regret, I don't regret a single moment of it." I told him as I stroked his cheek. "Now go, get your work stuff done because your wifey is ready to be on an island" I teased, playfully pushing him towards the door.

He smiled at that and thankfully didn't put up a fight as he walked out and went to do whatever it was he had to do.

Quickly I ran up to the bedroom. It wouldn't take long to pack since everything had been organized for me when I got here, but I still had the small issue of the sheets to deal with.

I pulled the blankets back on the bed only to find that they were bare, completely clean sheets and linen, which could only mean one thing. Mason knew and that's why he was so concerned before he left.

I should probably ignore the urge to ask him about it, but at the same time I didn't want the awkwardness of it hanging over my head, especially since he was about to be the only person I had for the next week.

Me: 'Hey, thanks for taking care of the sheets. I was going to change them after you woke up.'

Mason: 'don't even worry about it. Besides, I didn't know if you had noticed and I didn't want it to freak you out.'

Me: 'still, thank you.''

'When do you think you'll be home? I'll be ready in about twenty minutes?'

Mason: 'Should only be gone an hour. Trust me, I'm ready to be on the beach already.'

Me: 'that bad? You've only been gone a week?"

Mason: 'yeah. When you haven't taken a day off since the beginning and then suddenly disappear for a week everyone forgets how to do their jobs.'

Me: 'Sorry. Well do what you need to. I'll be here when you're done'

Mason: 'see you soon.'

With that out of the way I felt a little lighter in general. I pulled out my suitcase and packed some bathing suits, dresses, shorts, a pair of tennis shoes just incase he wanted to walk a lot, and then finally a couple of different sleepwear choices.

I wasn't sure if last night was all he wanted or if for some reason he would want to do it again. I mean I definitely ruined those sheets and I doubt that he would want to do that again when someone else would have to clean it up.

But I guess there was always a chance, which is why I put the single red piece of lingerie that I owned into the bag underneath the matching Disney pajama sets which I was fairly certain would get all the usage.

Truthfully I didn't have a clue how to do any of this. I mean I was excited to go to the Bahamas, of course I was, but this marriage was based on a deal, and labeling it our honeymoon only made this whole thing too real.

The sex I could talk myself out of feeling anything for. People have sex all the time without anything more than a need to release pent up energy, that was all last night was. My need to get it over with and his need to ensure that there was no way for me to claim an annulment on the marriage.

Unfortunately for me it didn't seem as if we were both still on the same page when Mason returned. His eyes held something more, something I couldn't decipher. As he loaded our bags and started the car an uncomfortable nervousness set over me.

It was the feeling that I had tried so hard to forget after the incident in college my freshmen year. The incident I never told a single soul about.

I had done what I was supposed to do, there was no way the past was coming back to get me now? So I smiled and told myself to relax, we would be in another country soon enough.

I just hoped that it was all in my head.

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