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I don't know what I was expecting when we pulled up to masons office, but it wasn't this. It looked just like any other office downtown, yet as we walked inside we had to pass through a security check, rooms filled with motion detection cameras, and people dressed in suits with guns on their hips.

"This is all yours?" I asked.

"Yeah, Steven helped me build this place up." He smiled as he spoke and I knew he loved his business.

"So what do you guys do exactly?" I continued, curious to know more.

"I mean our services vary. We do basic background checks for other businesses, private investigation work for higher end clients, and offer other services too." He explained as we moved towards a large office with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city.

"So can like normal people afford to hire you?"

He laughed at that and closed the door behind us. "Yes Soph. Our pricing is on an individual basis. It's based on the work, but in the same way attorneys offer pro bono work, sometimes we waive our fees if the situation needs it."

"Oh." I smiled walking to the window to look out over the busy streets as he started collecting a stack of papers from the printer in the corner and piling them on the desk.

The door to the office opened as Steven walked in, staring down at some papers in his hands. "I think you sent these to my printer by mist—, oh Sophie, hey! It's so good to see you!" He handed the papers to Mason and walked towards me.

"Steven, it's good to see you too. How's your wife? Tell her I appreciated the wedding gift, I'm going to hang it up in the living room." I told him as he pulled me into a side hug.

"I will let her know. I'm sure she will be glad to see you at the office party next week. She doesn't have a lot of friends with my job taking up so much time and her being home with the kids." He said as I stood clueless to what party he was referring too, and whether Mason had meant to me about it, or just didn't want me to go.

"Office party?" I asked and then corrected myself, not wanting to embarrass Mason. "I mean I would love to see her too. Maybe I could get her and the kids out of the house for the day."

"I'm sure she would love it." He smiled back.

"How old are your kids again?" I asked. If I'm honest I had never thought of having kids although I knew I wanted them later on. For now I was happy to fawn over others kids, at least that way I could give them back.

"Noah is six and Evie is four months." He smiled taking a picture out of his wallet.

"They are adorable. Just get with Mason I guess and organize a day when she wants to go out. I'm free most of the time." I handed him the photo back.

I guess Mason had finished up what he was doing and honestly I hadn't noticed that it was after five already. "You ready to get home Soph? I'm sure Steven needs to get home too?" Mason said as he stood up.

"Yeah." I glanced over at him before turning back to Steven. "Tell your wife to let me know."

"Will do, you guys have a good night." He smiled before walking out.

Mason took this as his opportunity to step towards me, catching me off guard in a way that had me stepping back. He frowned at the action before holding his hands up in surrender.

"You okay?" He asked, dropping his hands to his sides.

"Yeah, I mean no." I went back and forth trying to decipher my feelings. "Why didn't you tell me about the party Mason?" I asked feeling hurt by his decision.

"I don't know. I usually just go because I'm the boss. I don't usually stay. With everything with your parents I didn't want to add more to your plate. I know everyone is going to have questions because I haven't taken anyone since Sierra, back when I first started the company. I just," he ran his hand through his hair, "I didn't think you would want to go, and I didn't want you to feel pressured into going." He sighed.

"Mason, I'm a big girl. Even if I didn't want to go, it would still be nice for my husband to ask me. I also understand that it would be hard on you, given what you just told me about Sierra, but Mason, you should have at least mentioned it. If you don't want me to go, you can tell me. Just like if I don't want to do something I'll tell you." I looked up at him and saw the realization that he had hurt me flash across his face.

"I'm sorry Sophie." He took a step towards me and this time I didn't move. "Of course I want you to go. I really just thought it would be too much with everything else going on."

"It's fine, but for the record, I do want to come. I want to be involved in your work stuff. I think you've done an incredible job building this place." I motioned to the office we were currently in, "and I want your staff and friends to know that your wife, whether real or part of a deal, supports you and your hard work. Now let's go home because I still need to make dinner." I all but demanded.

For a small moment I thought he was going to argue. His eyes told me he wanted to stay here for a little while and I knew that look. Unfortunately Aunt Flo was scheduled to visit in the next couple of days and I didn't want to risk any more sex until after.

He didn't try to push it and I was relieved when he instead took my hand and led me out to the hallway, holding a folder in his other hand. He locked the office and together we walked out to the car.

"I promise, I'll try to involve you more Soph. I know you didn't ask for any of this, but I'm glad your trying to be interested in my life." He said as he held the door of the car open.

"I'm not pretending Mason, I do care. Your my friend and I want to know everything there is." I leaned up to kiss his cheek before climbing into the car.

He handed me the folder to hold onto as he started the car. When he noticed me playing with the side of the folder he put his hand over mine. "I'm not supposed to let you look without clearance, but you can open it." He said and I regretted it as soon as I did.

"Where did you get this picture?" I asked as fear crippled me, the flashback of that night striking me like lightning.

"It's our clients ex boyfriend, he's been stalking her but she said he was never physically aggressive. Why?" He asked as he continued to drive and I read the notes the ex girlfriend had put in her application for help. "Sophie what's wrong?" Mason asked again as I tried to decide if I wanted to tell this story.

"It's nothing. He just looked familiar." I said unconvincingly. I couldn't tell him yet, I needed more information.

I just hoped his ex was the only reason for the sudden reappearance in town, because I had spent the last few years trying to wipe the memory from my brain.

He couldn't have found me, could he? I couldn't let him ruin me again.

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