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I wish my life could be like this permanently. In a perfect world I could convince Sophie that we were as real as it all felt. We could travel and love each other, maybe have a few kids or get a dog.

Yes, in a perfect would I would never have to leave this bubble we are in. The Bubble where I get to spoil her, learning new little tid bits of who she is in the process. The same bubble that brings her into my arms each night, where I can hold her, love her and her body.

I think the best way to describe it would be to say that everyday since she walked down the aisle, my everything has been revolving around her. I feel lighter, happier, and while I know this can't continue once we get back, hearing her call it home makes me long for something I had given up on after Sierra.

"Morning Hubby." She smiled as I sat in the kitchen and she handed me a glass of orange juice.

That was something else that had changed the past few days. She had come out of her shy phase and was now openly embracing her status as my wife - something I was secretly ecstatic about.

"Aren't you all happy this morning?" I teased light heartedly. Playful Sophie was by far my favorite and I would cherish every second that she was around.

"Maybe I am?" She smirked in a way that told me she was planning something.

"Oh? And why is that?" I asked, feeding into the playful energy of the conversation.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you and I'm kinda used to you being around now." Her words cut a small wound in my chest. I was giving her the fairytale that every woman wanted, despite knowing that I would tear it from her once we got back.

"So." I coughed to clear my throat and banish the thoughts circulating in my head, "what do you feel like doing today? I don't really have anything planned."

"Actually there is something, well, somewhere I wanted to go? We can take a cab." She kissed my cheek. "It's a surprise." She added with a smile before walking upstairs.

When she came down she was dressed in some dark blue Jean shorts, and a red spaghetti strap tank top. The color bringing out her pale skin, the shades of reds and blondes in her hair, while making the light blue of her eyes pop.

It took about thirty minutes for us to get to the pier, although I had no clue why we were here. I assumed it was just the closest drop of point to whatever she had planned, an assumption that proved true when she interlaced our hands and faced me.

"So, I have it in good faith, also known as your mom, that you've always wanted to go deep sea ocean fishing." She smiled a contagious toothy smile I couldn't help but reciprocate. She was too excited for me to not enjoy whatever it was.

"So?" I asked.

"So, I may have enlisted your mom to help me put together a day of nothing but me and you and Mario."


"The owner of the boat, he's going to drive, or I guess float us out to some good spots so you can fish." I couldn't help wonder if she would enjoy any of this.

"What about you Soph?"

"I'm going to watch and try to get some color on these pale legs." She laughed and I wanted to bottle up the very sound.

She pulled me to the boat where we met with Mario, A middle aged island native. He showed us where the life vests were located and quickly went over some of the safety protocols before he turned on the motor of the charter boat and steered us towards the horizon.

"Soph?" I said sitting at the front of the boat beside her and putting my arm over her shoulder to keep her close.

"Yeah?" She turned her head to face me.

"Thanks, for doing this." I smiled at her as she leaned forward and gently pecked my lips before resting her head in the crook of my neck as we looked towards the vast ocean awaiting our destination.

"Don't thank me. If we are making it a real honeymoon I think your wife should surprise you as well." I squeezed her hand as she spoke and considered what I would be doing had I not seen that photo.

In doing so I had to admit and accept that I really loved hearing her refer to herself as my wife. I loved the ring on her finger that held more sentimental value than even Sophie knew.

"You kids ready?" Mario asked as the boat slowed to a stop.

"Yes sir, but it's only my husband. I'm just here to watch and relax." Sophie corrected him.

"Perfect. Well sir, let me help you set everything up. We have about four hours before we have to get back. Unfortunately the weather is only going to be nice until this evening." He said.

"Sure". I said getting up and dropping a kiss on Sophie's forehead.

She shot me a smile and I followed Mario to the side of the boat where we both worked to set up the rods. Then as if we had been friends for years, Mario and I fished in the ocean. The experience something I had talked about for years and never allowed myself the time to actually do it.

Sophie was doing more than changing my heart, she was showing me how to take care of me too. I hadn't felt this relaxed in as long as I could remember and it was all thanks to Sophie.

She was my saving Grace, I just didn't know if I had it in me to be the man that deserved her. To be the man that could give her all the things she needed. I could ruin myself, but ruining her, it would be the end of me and I knew it.

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