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We were forced to stay outside as more police showed up. I had obviously tried to force my way in, but as Steven and Colt so boldly reminded me, I couldn't hold her or be there for her if I landed myself in the back of a police car.

So I waited.

I waited while screams and gunshots were heard coming from the house. I waited in the tense five minutes of silence that followed as the cops dragged out some female that Steven explained was with Jaxon.

And then I waited some more.

Officer after officer came out shaking their heads, a look of anguish on their faces and each time the pit in my stomach sank further and further.

It felt like hours had passed when finally the last two officers - the first ones that arrived, came bursting out the front of the house with two medics carrying Sophie.

"Mason!" Steven put a hand on my shoulder, "let them check her out first."

He was probably right and usually I didn't ignore Stevens logic, but this was different. I ran over to the ambulance as soon as they loaded Sophie in on a gurney. I took her hand and squeezed it, noticing the trembles in her entire body.

"I'm here Soph, I'm here." I said softly as I kissed her forehead before the medic made me sit down so they could check her and the baby.

"We had to sedate her." The medic explained. "She wouldn't let us touch her and we needed to get her out to check her and the baby."

I nodded and squeezed her hand again. I wasn't going to leave her side until she was home and in my arms. Work, the shit with Sierras dad, the inheritance, non of that was worth fighting for or meant a thing to me if I lost her.

I don't think she even knows just how much she has changed me in the last few months, how my priorities have shifted from that of a bachelor to one of someone who puts their family first - puts her first.

When we arrived at the hospital they took her off to be evaluated, leaving me in the waiting room -against my protests.

"Sir, as soon as we have checked her and the baby out you can go in." The nurse said as she escorted me to the waiting room.

It seemed like forever that I spent pacing back and forth in that waiting room until the nurse finally returned and took me back to the room.

"Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" I asked as we walked down the long hallway.

"Physically she is fine. The baby is also fine and moving around." She said with a sad smile. "But, if I can give you some advice, as someone who has seen a lot," she looked to me and I nodded, "Let her tell you about it when she's ready. When she wakes up she's going to need your support, just be there for her."

"I will." I responded as she stopped outside of room one thirty. "Thank you." I turned back to her before I opened the door and walked into the room.

Sophie was laying on the bed, her eyes closed, monitors hooked to her, an IV in her arm. Her stomach had some elastic bands on them that appeared to be connected to a separate machine and I assumed it was for the baby.

I wiped the tear from my eye and made my way to the chair beside her bed, kissing her forehead gently before taking her hand and sitting beside her.

Three hours passed before Steven knocked on the door. Sophie still wasn't awake, but her doctor had informed me that she would be sedated for a while until the medicine they gave her wore off.

"How is she?" Steven walked in, his wife close behind clinging to his hand.

"They had to sedate her to get her out, she hasn't woken up yet, but they said both her and the baby should be fine, physically anyway." I sighed. "Do you have any news on the other two?"

"The female, Carly, is upstairs. Apparently Price knocked her out and she has a concussion, but she should recover."

"And him?" I asked again.

"Deceased on scene." He said as I breathed a long breath in relief.

"Can you let Hunter know we got her? And my mom? I just don't really want to deal with all the questions."

"I already did. They are all in the waiting room."  He explained as his wife, Mia tugged on his hand.

"Do you need anything Mason? I know if I were in your shoes I wouldn't be leaving this room, so if there's anything we can get you..." she smiled sympathetically.

"I'm okay, thank you." I gave her a weak smile back as she pulled on Stevens hand again.

"Right, well we will be outside of you need us." Steven announced.

"Go be with your family Steven, I'll keep you updated." I offered, noticing the gratitude on his wife's face. "Tell Colt to take the rest of the day off too."

He nodded and wrapped his arm around Mia before they walked out of the room and I laid my head on the side of the bed next to mine and Sophie's conjoined hands.

I don't know how long I laid there for, listening to the sounds of the machines beeping steadily, but eventually exhaustion took over and I closed my eyes. I left one hand wrapped in hers and my other hand settled on her stomach.

As I slipped further and further into unconsciousness I only hoped that she would wake up before me. I needed to see those blue eyes looking back at me because waking up without her, wasn't a reality I wanted to be in.

Sophie, our baby, they were the sole purpose of my existence now. I could live with knowing that she needed help, I would get her whatever therapy or counseling she needed, but the unknown, the waiting for her to come back to me, was more painful than anything I had ever experienced.

I need her and I wasn't going to hide it anymore.

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