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Last night was by far the best night of my life so far. Holding her and hearing her say those words back to me meant more than anything, and I internally rolled my eyes at the version of myself that thought my life was over when Sierra left. Honestly, it would pale in comparison to the damage Sophie could cause.

I had an early meeting at the office today, one that required Steven to be present. It meant that for a couple of hours no one would be watching Sophie, but she had assured me that Hunter was supposed to be coming over to hang some shelves in the nursery.

I still didn't know why he was suddenly getting so involved, but he was my cousin so I hoped it was because he wanted to be helpful. Even so, I decided to text him in advance.

Me: Hey, Steven is going to be at the office with me for a few hours, do you mind sticking with Sophie until he's done.

Hunter:  Dude? You have a guard on your wife? Scared she's going to run off or something?

Me: It's not a joke Hunter. Can I trust you with this or not?

Hunter: Of course you can. I'm about ten minutes away. Just for the record, your wife I cool as shit and I'm kinda pissed she fell for your dumb ass.

I knew he was kidding and that's why I sent my own sarcastic response back.

Me: Even if she didn't you wouldn't have stood a chance. Call me if there are any problems.

He left me on read, but the meeting was about to start and as the boss it was my job to be as involved as possible.

I opened up the meeting, and explaining how one of our biggest clients was now adding several members of his family to the contract he signed with us. It brought us more revenue, which also meant that we would need to hire on a few extra hands to deal with the extra workload. The last thing we needed was overworked guards.

Steven stood up to go in depth about training that was needed for the current staff to move up, as well as the training required before new staff would be able to work alone, when my cell phone started buzzing in my pocket.

Carefully I pulled it out and noticed that Hunter was calling me. I excused myself from the meeting and walked out to the hallway, hitting the green button.

"Hunter this better be.."

"She's gone Mason. Sophie's gone!" He gasped into the phone.

"W..what?" I asked not quite able to comprehend what he was saying.

"When I got here, the front door was wide open. I searched the whole house, she's not here."

"Maybe she went out with mom?" I suggested even though the pit in my stomach warned me I was wrong.

"I already called Julie. She hasn't heard from her. Mason there's more, the table near the front door is knocked over. I don't think she left on her own." He sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

Honestly, I froze. Fear was crippling me, the thought of loosing Sophie too much to handle. I guess Steven had noticed me through the glass door because he was soon beside me.

"Call the police, I'll be there soon." I instructed Hunter before disconnecting the phone.

"Everything okay?" Steven asked.

"No, someone took Sophie. I need you to pull the file on that stalking case we did pro bono. Find out everything you can about Jaxon and send it to me." I blurted out as I walked to the elevator.

" Got it boss. We will find her." He said and I wanted to hope he was right. In fact I was counting on it.

The police were already at the house when I pulled up, dusting the door for what I assumed would be fingerprints, although I could tell from the way the table was knocked over that Sophie didn't go willingly.

Hunter started walking my way as I held up a hand to stop him. My stomach was turning with each second. The thought of something happening to Sophie, to her or our child made me nauseous.

I turned around and hurled into the bushes lining the driveway. It was a worrying feeling I couldn't put into words, knowing she was pregnant and that a man who had been the source of her nightmares, was most likely to be the one who took her.

It's not that I hadn't considered Sierra or her father, but this wasn't their style. They liked power, and as such, greed and bribery came with it. They would want me to know they had taken her as soon as it happened, which only left that creep as the only likely option.

I spent the next thirty minutes being questioned by the police as their forensics people searched the house for clues. The lead detective assured me when they were done that they would do everything to find Sophie and that if I were to receive a ransom I should contact them.

I knew I wouldn't though. She wasn't taken for money, and this wasn't a Vandetta against me, this was solely about her and her past with Jaxon. It's part of the reason I didn't hold out hope that the police would find anything, not that it mattered.

I wasn't going to let her go. I wasn't going to lose her, or our child, which is why the first second the cops were gone I headed to the office. Our whole
Company was founded on finding people and watching them and Jaxon had been no different with our last client.

He may think that he is winning now, but I was going to find him and make him pay. I just had to stay positive until then, I was going to find Sophie and bring her home.

I just hoped that she knew I wouldn't stop until she was back.

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