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I can say with absolute certainty that I love Julie to death. We have been to at least three dress shops so far and she hasn't complained once that I should pick anything since this isn't a real marriage.

Maybe that's the reason I can't decide?

Future husband: how's the shopping going?

It was just a text. A text I shouldn't even be happy about getting seeing as I didn't choose this marriage.

Me: It's going about as well as taking glitter out of a carpet.

Future husband: Damn.

Me: I just always imagine my mother being here with me. I love your mom, but at the same time, I miss mine.

He didn't respond after that, and I couldn't blame him. There wasn't much he could say that wouldn't circle us back to the fact that this wasn't real.

"I have one more place we can look." Julie smiled.

"Sounds good." I smiled. "I promise I'll pick something."

"No worries dear. I just wished everything wasn't so rushed."

We stopped for a quick lunch and then made our way into the small boutique. It was quaint and obviously not one of the chain shops most people flocked too when they got engaged.

"Can I help you?" A small brunette asked.

"Actually yes." Julie smiled before explaining our time crunch and showing her the picture I had shown her last night.

The woman walked me back to a changing room and then left to pick out some dresses. I'll be honest, most didn't make it out of the dressing room. I wasn't a fan of ballgowns and the fact that I had opted for an outdoor wedding only made me more aware of the extra weight they required.

We had about three dresses on when I slipped into a dress that the price tag alone had my eyes bulging in astonishment.

It was tulle wrap at the top, with some exquisite and intricate bedazzlement that embodied the top half of the bodice. It flared lightly at the bottom in satin and tulle and had a small devotion of lace that extended to give it and off the shoulder look.

I loved it.

I decided that it was worth it to see what Julie thought and carefully I walked out with the brunette to the small podium. She placed a small veil on my head and I don't know what it was, but I suddenly felt excited.

For the first time since this all started I was hopeful. Then I turned around to see Julie, instead seeing no other than my own mother standing beside her with tears in her eyes.

That's when I completely lost it. I hugged her and Julie both as if I had never loved two people more in my life. I didn't know how or why she was here and I didn't care too. Her presence alone at this moment told me that this was the right dress.

It was a few moments of crying before I pulled away and stepped into the dressing room to change back into my own clothes. Julie had graciously paid the bill already and was holding the garment bag in one hand while she talked happily with my mother.

"Julie, I can't thank you enough for helping us. Please tell Mason we appreciate his help." My mom smiled sheepishly.

"Don't even worry about it. In the few days I've known Sophie she's become a daughter to me. She's a part of the family no matter what."

We left the store after that and stood idling on the sidewalk for a while just talking until my phone chimed in my pocket.

Future husband: find something yet?

Me: yeah, but you gotta wait till Saturday to see it.

He sent a few eye roll emojis back and I internally laughed. I still didn't know what he considered this thing between us to be, but I considered it a friendship.

"It was good to see you mom." I smiled hugging her tightly.

"You too baby girl. I'll see you in two days okay?"

I nodded before the two moms hugged each other goodbye and I fell in step with Julie back to her car.

"Once this is all done it will get easier. They will be able to see you more." She reassured me and I hoped she was right.

She dropped me off at the house with a smile before taking off with the dress in her car. Apparently she didn't trust Mason not to peek and honestly I wasn't sure I did either.

"How was your day?" He asked as I fell onto the couch beside him.

"It was good. Everything is ready to go, just got tomorrow to get through and then it's go time." I sighed. "My mom was at the shop where I found my dress." I added.

He didn't look surprised, but he didn't out right tell me that he told her to go. His expression, the look of guilt on his face told me that he was responsible.

"Thank you." I leaned into him and cuddled into his side. "It meant a lot to me to have her there."

He didn't say anything, but his hand came to rest on my shoulder before it began brushing up and down my arm as I looked at the tv screen playing some gold mining show.

We didn't move from the couch for a few hours. I don't know how, but I was too comfortable to move and he didn't make the effort to leave either. It was a mutual contentment that we had both found at this moment.

"There is one thing I don't have ready." I blurted during a commercial. "The song for our first dance. I didn't know if there was something specific you liked since you didn't really tell me what music you loved."

"Hmm" he scratched his chin. "How about i surprise you? I promise it won't be trashy?" He offered and it would have been the sweetest thing of any of this was real.

Still, I agreed with a smile. I mean let's face it, even if it were the worst song in history, the marriage was fake so what did it even matter. 

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