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Change is something I have never done well. My whole life I have known every detail about what I was doing, who it was with, where things were placed. I have always required that structure, a lasting effect of my parents who kept a model home without a single thing out of place.

I tried to switch things up once, with Sierra. She was brunette, curvy, but beautiful, her personality that of a fireball, a free spirit, who unlike the strawberry blonde in front of me didn't shy away from the hard stuff. She preferred to tackle things head on, something which always gave me the false sense of security that she would be honest.

When Sierra first moved into my apartment it wasn't an immediate thing. It was planned, calculated down to everything she owned and finding the perfect place for it to fit within my bubble. At first I didn't even notice her things were there, and then gradually it started to spill over, by which time I was already somewhat comfortable with it.

Sophie didn't have that opportunity by no fault of her own. I rushed her to move in, rushed her into marriage and forgot to do the most important thing, make sure that she was comfortable. In fact, I'm fairly certain that whatever happened last night was probably a result of the mental trauma I put on her in the last week.

I'm such a dick.

That's why I'm trying to make it up to her now. Seeing her smile, watching her shoulders relax as she laughs and tells me about the time her mother got lost taking her to the beach, it's a bittersweet moment.

I didn't feel the need to plan or define any single part of Sophie or her part in my life. In a very short time she had changed my life, changed me, and while I couldn't pin point exactly all the things that were changing in the way I usually could; I did know that I wanted to do everything I could to keep this good thing between us going.

"Tell me something about you that I don't know?" She asked and I knew she meant something simple, something that didn't break the easy going flow of conversation we were deeply indulged in.

"Okay, well... when I was a kid I was really into Pokémon cards. Mom would sneak me them when we went shopping because dad wanted me to focus on sports and learning business stuff. Anyway, he found my box of cards one day and threw them out, but my mom dug them out of the trash and then bought one of those huge binders you use for coursework. So she got these cool inserts for the cards and we hid them inside the binders on my shelf where mom kept the family photos. No one ever looked at those binders and anytime I wanted to play with my cards I would have to take the binder and one with actual photos so I could pretend I was looking at old family pictures if I was caught." I explained.

"Seriously?" She smiled.

"Yup, the best part is, when I moved out I forgot the binder and mom never throws anything away from that shelf so they are all still there."

"That's funny, you'll have to show me when we get back." She beamed at me as we finished our food.

"What about you? Any cool childhood stories to tell?" I didn't miss the slight frown that etched on her face before she covered it.

"Well, actually I do have one." She grinned as I motioned for her to continue. "So back in high school I was a nerd, I mean I played sports but I loved reading and learning stuff, so anyway, we were in chemistry class one day and the preppy kids were all being mean to this other kid because he was into theatre and all that stuff. Anyway, the teacher wasn't paying attention and they ended up ruining his experiment that was part of our final grade. I didn't want to make things worse, but I didn't want him to fail, so I switched out some of the other kids chemicals on the break between double period. When they came back and tried to finish, the whole room filled up with hydrogen sulfide. They had to evacuate the whole class and everyone was given a passing grade based on their notes and planning. The best part was that once we got outside, all the preppy guys were gagging or throwing up and everyone was laughing and taking videos on their phones." She grinned with a mean smirk.

"Oh how the tables have turned." I stated sarcastically, "it appears my wife has a dark side."

"Only for bullies." She chuckled.

"You sure about that?" I teased , enjoying her confidence.

"Why don't you find out?" She said boldly.

I didn't wait for a check, throwing more than enough money on the table and carrying Sophie to the car. I drove her home as she laughed, oblivious to just how turned on I was.

I hoisted her over my shoulder as she walked towards the cabin and as soon as we were inside I set her down and pushed her against the door.

"You ready to finish what we started this morning?" I asked as I inhaled her scent, running my hands up her soft and delicate body to her neck.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She flirted as she pushed me back and ran to the couch.

I beat her to it, pulling her in a way that made her fall into the position where she was straddling me on the couch. I was tired of thinking things through. We were both aware of what needed to happen eventually, I wasn't good for her and eventually she would realize that, but that didn't mean that I couldn't enjoy her while she was here.

I claimed her mouth with mine in a hot fever that would cause time to stop, flashing brighter than any shooting star.

A simple nod was all it took to confirm we were on the same page as I lifted her up and moved her to the bedroom as I continued to kiss and suck any bare skin I could find.

She was going to be the ending of me and I knew it, but it was too late to stop now. I was already in too deep, stuck between knowing I should keep my distance, but not wanting to do so.

I could only hope that I would only hurt myself in the process.

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