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"Soph it's your parents, there's been an accident." Was the only way I could think to describe what was happening. I felt her collapse in my arms as I held her up, firmly against my chest as the weight of the situation crippled her.

"How? I don't understand?" A tear slipped from her eyes as she found her footing and I ran my hand over her hair.

"Drunk driver hit their car, they are going to the hospital so we need to get going. My mom called me." I explained as she nodded against my chest and quickly began to pack the few clothing items that weren't in bags.

"Do you know if they are okay?" She asked me looking pale, frightened, the sight tearing me apart slowly.

"No Sorry, mom just said they were at the hospital and to get back as soon as possible." I added.

"Oh god!" She let out a soft cry.

I hated seeing her broken like this, but knowing that it could be bad only had me wishing we could magically teleport. She would never forgive herself if she wasn't there and regardless of their money mess, it was a blessing in the sense that it gave me Sophie.

As soon as she was packed we quickly loaded into the car I had called and raced to the small airport. Mom had assured me everything with the flights was taken care of, and I was relieved when we were able to get in the air less than an hour after we had left the house.

Under normal circumstances I would try to cram some work in. Despite the hiccup with the servers, I had missed out almost two weeks and as a result I still had a lot of catching up. I knew she wouldn't say anything since we still had a few hours until we landed, and yet one look at her broken and worry stricken face had me abandoning all those plans.

I put my arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. "It's going to be okay, I promise." I tried to soothe her.

"What if something is really wrong Mase? I've barely spoken to them since I met you, even at the wedding I didn't  get to really talk to them." She stammered.

"I'm sure they will be fine. Mom has the best doctors taking care of them, and before you panic, we took care of the bills." I reassured her, knowing that her parents finances were a big worry of hers.

"Thank you." Her quiet voice whispered as she clutched to my shirt and rested her head against me.

"Don't thank me, we are a team." I meant it, whether she believed it or not.

It was early in the morning when we arrived at the hospital. Visiting hours were over, but my mother was sitting in the waiting room regardless. She stood up as we approached and quickly took Sophie into a tight hug as she shot me a look that said it wasn't good.

"Are they going to be okay?" Sophie asked her.

"I don't know sweetie. I'm not family so they won't tell me anything." Mom informed her.

Sophie nodded before pulling back and looking at me. I didn't need her to tell me that she was asking me to find out for her. I could tell she was scared of the truth and I needed to be the one to do this for her.

I left her with my mom and slipped away to the nurses station where a petite blonde was sitting. She was typing and clicking on the computer. She looked up and smiled as I approached, straightening her shoulders.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a friendly, yet professional manner.

"Yes, my wife's parents were in a car accident, should be under Lanning. I was just trying to find out if they were okay? My wife is in the waiting room because she's been a mess since we got the call and left our honeymoon." I explained.

"Oh, yes. Let me page the doctor and he can explain." She said before speaking into a small headset that I hadn't noticed she was wearing.

A few minutes later a tall older male approached. I gave his hand a firm shake as he grabbed a folder from behind the desk.

"Mr and Mrs Lanning, that's right, vehicle collision with fatalities." He was reading, unaware that my heart had dropped in my stomach at the thought of telling Sophie she had lost either of her parents.

"Mrs Lanning, she is stable, nasty concussion and will need to rest once we get her out of surgery. She had a deep laceration to her stomach from a metal bar, but she should be okay in a few weeks."

"And Mr Lanning?" I asked, hesitant to know the answer.

"Mr Lanning will be in surgery for a while. He had a lot of internal injuries, as well as superficial injuries to his face. His right arm is also broken. I am confident that he will recover, but it will take longer than Mrs Lanning."

"Thank you. Do you mind me asking about the other individual?"

"Unfortunately I can't disclose medical information to non relatives, but I can tell you only three individuals were involved." He said before indicating that he needed to check on his other patients.

I walked back to Sophie as she nervously watched me. "They're going to be okay Soph." I took her in my arms and kissed her head. "They are going to be here for a few weeks at least though, they are pretty hurt." I explained gently to prevent worrying her.

I convinced her to go home a short time later. We still had five hours until we could see them and we were both exhausted from the flight back. Some sleep was on the cards and I was grateful when she didn't fight me too hard on it.

Once we got home I watched her as she lifelessly went through the motions of changing and getting into bed. There was no way to make this better for her and I knew it, felt her pain in my chest as if it were my own.

I climbed in beside her and without hesitation I held her firmly against me, until the sniffles and whimpers faded into delicate, light snores.

Family was important to me and that's why I didn't hesitate to fly her back here for her parents. I just hoped that she understood that for as long as we were married she was also family, so if she needed me I would be there.

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