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I should have told her the truth, told her that I had seen Sierra in town today while I was looking for a surprise gift for her. It was the right thing to do, to keep her in the loop. We are a team, or at least that's what I see us as.

But how do you tell your fake wife, that you secretly actually like, that your glad her parents are okay after their life threatening car accident, but that your Crazy Ex is back and that you had not only seen her ,but talked briefly while internally reminiscing on the past?

Not that it mattered. She had informed me that she was only in town for a couple days for a meeting and leaving tomorrow. There really wasn't a reason for my past to collide with the future. I mean Sierra would stay in the past. As much as I had loved her I would never get over what she did.

"Do you want to come with me today?" She asked and I found myself wanting to go with her, and yet I couldn't.

"I can't," I watched her shoulders sag, "I have to go by the office, but maybe I can meet you there around lunch and see your mom. I know you said your dad can't have visitors for a while."

She perked up a little "would you mind coming on your lunch break?" She asked with a hint of concern. "I mean I know you're busy too."

"I'd love to Soph. Tell you what, why don't you spend the morning with your mom and then text me what you both want to eat and I can pick it up on the way. I mean hospital food isn't the best."

"Thank you." She smiled, pulling up her Uber app on her phone.

"I can drop you off, it's on the way." I lied, but truthfully I didn't like her getting rides with strangers. I understood the companies vetted their drivers, but because of my company I also knew that not all creeps had records to warn the public.

"Okay." She leaned over to kiss me before she began to throw on some clean clothes.

Once she was ready I drove her to the hospital, giving her a small sweet kiss on her cheek before she climbed out of the car. "Just let me know what you guys want." I smiled as she nodded and then walked inside.

I ended up being ten minutes late to the meeting but since I was the boss, no one said anything about it, and oddly enough I felt better about being here, knowing that I had dropped her off.

I don't know why I suddenly felt so protective of Sophie, but as the meeting continued and Steven went over some of the new clients we had received I found myself consumed with nothing but thoughts of Sophie.

"So Louise is a thirty year old female who is being harassed by her ex boyfriend. It's been going on for about three months and the police don't seem too concerned." Steven explained as I looked at the petite blonde who couldn't have been more than 5 ft 4.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"She has requested a shadow. Someone she has met from the company, to follow her and make sure she is okay. She also offered to pay extra to have surveillance on her apartment." Steven explained.

"Who do you have in mind?" I asked, knowing that the request was fairly typical with the clients we received.

"I was going to send Colt. He's young and needs the experience and based on what Louise has said, her ex has never been physical. Should be a fairly easy assignment. He will mostly be observing and then reporting his findings so she can make a police report and get a restraining order."

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