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Sophie did well outside as we walked to the restaurant. Her smile never faltered and every so often she would glance up at me with a look of complete adoration. It was both strange and alluring since I knew she felt completely trapped in this whole situation.

I couldn't keep my eyes off that slit up her thigh though, the one that flashed her bare slim leg with each step. It was strange but I was actually relieved when we were seated and the table cloth covered her legs completely.

"You look beautiful." I smiled at her placing my hand over hers as the waitress made her way over to the table.

"Hi I'm Bethany and I'll be taking care of you tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink or some appetizers?" She pushed her arms together to emphasize her breasts that were barely constricted inside her shirt.

"I'll take a glass of Merlot and we will take the sampler to start. Soph. honey what would you like to drink?" I asked playing on the endearments.

"I'll have the same." She smiled at the waitress.

"Okay, I'll be right back." She turned and briskly walked away.

"So, how shall we do this? Like twenty questions or just pick a topic and both of us answer?" I tried to be playful, knowing that it might help her relax a little.

"It doesn't matter." She shifted in her seat and almost on instinct I squeezed her hand.

"Hey, you're doing great and you look amazing, just relax." I reassured her as the waitress returned and leaned over a little too far when placing the appetizer between us.

Sophie ordered first, selecting a stuffed chicken breast with an assortment of steamed vegetables on the side and as she read it from the menu, I suddenly found myself also wanting the same.

"And what about you sir?" The waitress asked with a look that any man would know was trouble.

"I'll have the same thing as my beautiful fiancé." I said taking Sophie's menu and placing it on top of mine before handing them both to the waitress.

We both took a sip of our wine and I could see the blush creeping on her cheeks as the alcohol hit her quicker than I had expected.

"Alright." She smiled seemingly feeling brave and confident. "Favorite color?"

"Blue yours?"

"Pink or red."

"Favorite music?" I asked.

"Country or pop."

"I'm into a little of everything." I admitted.

"Place you've never been, but always wanted to go?" She asked and I could tell that each sip of wine was making her more and more giggly and relaxed.

"Well, I've travelled a lot, but I've always wanted to see St Lucia or the British Islands."

"Really? I've always wanted to go to a tropical island myself!" She giggled as the waitress came back with our food. "Yummm!"

Sophie was rubbing her hands together like a small child and it was actually rather fun to watch. This carefree side of her was refreshing, especially when she didn't even flinch as the waitress threw out a comment about pacing her alcohol.

We continued the dinner learning little facts about each other as we ate our food and laughed. That's right, alcohol fueled Sophie was sitting at a dinner table laughing with me like we were best friends.

The waitress came back to check on us at which time I asked for the check as well as a bottle of whatever merlot they had served us. It may come in handy later, especially if Sophie starts to freak out again.

Once everything was paid for I helped Sophie from her seat, and with the wine in one hand I took her waist and helped her to the car as she stared at me with a confident glow.

I leaned down and pecked her cheek, as we had discussed before I escorted her out to the car.

Unfortunately someone had leaked that we were here by this point and some of the tabloids had shown up to get their next tabloid fix. Cameras were flashing and I reluctantly stopped to make sure Sophie wasn't freaking out like when we first arrived.

I was surprised that she was still smiling up at me, almost as if she could see something on my face that she couldn't look away from. Her smile was wide as I rubbed the ring on her finger for the press.

"You okay?" I asked her as she gave me a gentle nod and lifted a hand to my chest.

"You said we have to sell this right?" Her voice was low, "that people needed to believe we were in love?" Her eyes held a question.

"Yes." I whispered back into her ear.

"So kiss me." She muttered as her hands crept higher up my shirt to my collar before setting themselves on my shoulders.

"What?" I asked, certain I had Misheard her. The Sophie I came with would never have suggested such a thing.

"Kiss me." She grinned as I recalled what I told her before we left. I would kiss her hands and her cheeks, but nothing more. I was going to keep my word.

I rubbed my nose against hers as she inhaled a deep breath and tensed slightly in my grip. Cameras were still flashing around us as I looked in her eyes.

"You don't drink much do you Soph?"

"Never drank before actually." She chuckled as I shook my head with a smile, causing our noses to swipe against each other in a butterfly kiss.

Her admission was enough to knock the sense back into me and gently I pulled back just enough to kiss the tip of her nose and her forehead.

"Come on, let's get you home to sleep this off." I smiled at her as she shook her head in defiance.

"You're sure you want to help my family?" She asked suddenly as I tried to figure out why she was asking, especially when we were surrounded by reporters.

"Of course." I said as I rubbed her back with my thumb.

"Good." She grinned as her hands grabbed the back of my head and her lips suddenly came crashing against mine.

It took a few moments for me to realize what was happening and yet due to our surroundings I couldn't exactly pull away without questions. Instead I kissed her back, pulling her close to me and tasting the sweet wine on her tongue as she entwined them together in a soft and delicate rhythm.

When I felt the moment was becoming too heated I pulled away, kissing her forehead again before taking her hand and leading her to the car.

She mumbled something incoherent as she slumped against the window and I drove us back to the house, the whole time my mind focused on the feel of her soft lips on mine.

I carried her to her room once we arrived, listening to her sweet snoring as I set her down on the bed and covered her with a blanket. I left her a glass of water and made my way to my room.

I wasn't going to sleep much tonight, not when I was replaying the whole evening over and over again.

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