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"I have a surprise for you too Mrs Hughes." I grinned as I set her down on the bed and quickly turned to dig out the envelope I had hidden in my dresser.

The nerves she was feeling were obvious every time I had looked at her since I told her I wanted to do this, and I hoped that perhaps my gift would be enough of a distraction to clear her mind for a while.

"What is this?" She asked as I handed her the envelope.

"Open it."

I watched her intently as he hand came up to cover her mouth and she glanced up at me. "Tickets to the Bahamas?"

"I was talking to my mom and we both agreed that since I wasn't exactly your choice of husband, the least I should do is take you on a real honeymoon. I remembered you said you wanted to go Hawaii but I figured the Bahamas would be a close second." I explained as she just sat silently staring at them. "I can cancel it if you don't.."

"No,no,no." She stood up and set the tickets on the dresser. "I love it, its just a shock, I didn't think we would be doing anything since you said you had to get back to work." The hesitation was back in her eyes.

"I took another week off. Mom made me see some things, things that happened with my last girlfriend that reminded me that money isn't everything."

"I think she's right because it isn't everything, but I also think that if you worked as hard as you did to build up your company, that you should enjoy it and do everything you can to keep it running smoothly."

The look she gave me then was honest and pure and I knew she meant every last word. Sophie wasn't Sierra. She was someone who would support me because she knew I loved my work.

"When we get back, you should find a law program. I'm not saying you should go across the country or anything, but I think you should follow your dreams too Soph." I said honestly.

I want to say that it was then that things changed, that she jumped me right then and there and fearlessly we made love without limits until the sun came up.

But it wasn't.

I helped her out of her dress, and we climbed into the bed together. She laid on my chest and for a while we did nothing but talk. Sophie was intuitive, she wanted to know the ins and outs of the company as if it were something that she was now proud of too.

Every little question and answer making that resounding need in my chest grow and grow until it was no longer something I could ignore.

I wanted her. I had wanted her since I saw her picture hanging in her parents house. That was the whole reason she was even bargained into this deal. Sure the marriage clause had a little to do with it, but mostly I just wanted someone that I knew wouldn't leave me.

Sophie was that woman.

I pulled her to me and rolled our bodies so that she was pinned in between my arms. Locking my eyes on hers, I pecked her lips softly.

"I mean it Soph, I really want to do this, but if you're not ready or if you don't want to just tell me. I'll be happy with you being here."

"Just kiss me mason." Her breathing was heavy, her voice gravelly with something that almost sounded needy.

So I did. Leaning into her i held the side of her neck as I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip, waiting for deeper access. It only took a few moments for her to part her lips and allow me to deepen the kiss.

I didn't want to rush her, I wanted this to be a memory, an experience that no matter what she wouldn't regret, despite the circumstances that got us here.

"You're perfect Soph. Don't ever let anyone make you feel less than that." I whispered as I slowly began to remove the remaining matching bra and underwear from her body.

"Mhmm." She moaned pulling my face back to hers.

I let my hands wander at that point. She had my mouth firmly set against hers as her lips vibrated with each moan of need that exited her. Gently I let on hand travel to her breasts, palming it gently until her nipple pebbled in a way that assured me she was still with me.

I kissed her everywhere, her lips, her jaw, the pulse point on the side of her neck which seemed to be her favorite. The sweet sounds she was making only encouraging my already swollen dick that soon I would have a piece of her that no one else would or could ever have.

I brought my hand down to her hip, before I eased her legs apart under the sheets. I didn't want to overwhelm her with the foreplay, but some of it would be necessary so that I didn't hurt her.

After a few moments I managed to find her clit. It was actually her reluctant grabbing of my wrist paired with a loud gasp that alerted me I had found it.

"Mason? Please?" She begged as I began to draw circles on the bundle of nerves.

She wasn't begging for the sex, or the foreplay though, no. The look in her eyes told me she was scared on a much deeper level than just the physical stuff. She needed to know I wouldn't hurt her and I knew I needed to reassure her.

"I'm yours for as long as you'll stay Soph."

She pulled my face back to hers and after some brief foreplay I finally built up the courage to go for the final run.

"If it's too much just tell me okay!" I looked down at her as I lined myself up at her entrance.

"Okay." She said, a look of nerves and anticipation staring back at me within the blue orbs of her eyes.

"Ready?" I asked.

She didn't answer me though. Instead she pulled my face back down to hers, her tongue colliding with mine as my heart began to race. Slowly I pushed into her, little by little, soaking up her moans with my mouth as her hand clutched onto mine each time she gasped.

"You okay?" I asked once I was fully inside of her.


That was all it took for me to slowly roll my hips against hers over and over as I made love to the woman who was now my wife until I released every last drop of my semen into her body.

"Mase? Promise me you won't ever make me regret giving you that part of me?" She said as she laid in my arms after.

I didn't have it in me to make her a promise I didn't know I could keep, so instead I rubbed the side of her face until the only sound was her faint snores.

I didn't know how to do relationships and I hoped that Sophie could be different. Sierra had ruined me all those years ago, but if I ever lost Sophie it would kill me.

I was beginning to fall for her and I knew just how dangerous that could be for us both.

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