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I don't know what Mason was doing with his tongue but I never wanted him to stop. My body felt like it was on fire, my mind a puddle of mush. I couldn't even form a sentence, strange moans the only sound escaping me.

His hands and mouth were everywhere, ravishing me in such a way that I couldn't pin point any particular place on my body that wasn't buzzing from his touch.

"I want this, you." I said as he toyed with the fabric of my clothes.

In an instant he was pulling at my clothes while I made quick work at removing his. It was clumsy and wild and so,so, hot. I felt like I was on fire, the temperature increasing as each article of clothing was tossed from our bodies.

"You. Are. Perfect." He rasped between kisses before his mouth attached to my breast and his tongue swirled around my nipple.

He alternated to my other breast while my body hummed in approval to every stroke of his tongue against me. It felt like I was going to combust, my eyes were dangerously close to rolling into the back of my head, never to see again.

He left a trail of kisses from there up my neck, and along my jaw as I snaked my arms around his back, digging my fingers in firmly in an attempt to urge him to keep going.

"Mase, please?" I almost begged as he looked at me funny.

"I don't know if ..."

I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him to stop whatever he was about to say. "I don't care. You promised me a fun, realistic honeymoon, and I want this, I want you. We can figure the rest out when we get home." I said with conviction.

I meant it. I knew this could end badly, knew there was a time limit on the time we had, but I couldn't help myself. He was a drug, one that hit me with the power to utterly destroy me. Every touch, each kiss, was like a high I never wanted to come down from, and right now I needed my next fix.

I pulled his face back to mine and decided to be bold. I had no clue what I was doing, but I needed him to believe that I wanted this. So I reached down with my free hand and took him in my hand.

It was strange at first, feeling that part of him in my hand. The top was smooth, silky almost with a hint of wetness that I knew meant he was into this no matter how much he protested. His shaft was hard, a little rougher but still smooth. I gripped him and ran my hand up and down feeling the skin under my hand move up and down his hard length.

"Jesus Soph." He said reaching down to grab my hand.

"Sorry, I don't, sorry." I muttered as he let out a deep chuckle and kissed my lips again.

"It was perfect, just like you, I just, I don't want to come before we have sex." He grinned as his other hand moved between my legs and found that bundle of nerves that were dying for attention and relief.

"Oh." I moaned into his mouth, both in acknowledgement and pleasure.

I could feel him at my entrance as the tension in my stomach continued to build. I was a little apprehensive after last time, the fear quickly fizzling into nothing as he pushed into me with ease - leaving me full of him.

It was still a weird feeling, him moving inside of me, but it was a good weird. The slow rolling of his hips into mine as he kissed me had me entering an euphoric state that I had been craving.

It didn't take too long for the feeling of my impeding orgasm to strike. I could hear my moans mixing with his, but I was blissfully unaware that I was even doing it.

"Soph, look at me." He groaned as he increased his pace slightly.

I did as he said, opening my eyes to look into his. That simple act had me cresting over the edge, driving me headfirst into the wave that had my legs shaking as my head fell back.

Mason kissed my forehead before rolling over beside me. Once I had calmed his concerns and assured him that I wasn't hurt or sore he encompassed me in his arms and stroked the side of my face until I fell asleep on his chest.


The next three days that followed were busy and while I was exhausted at the end of each day it was worth it. We had spent a whole day shopping and buying souvenirs, taking pictures and relaxing on the beach. Mason had spoiled me rotten and honestly it felt good to be pampered for once.

The next day he took me snorkeling which was both cool and scary. I could swim, but I wasn't a great swimmer so being underwater really freaked me out until I remembered that Mason was right there with me.

What was even better was that the part of the islands we went to, we were actually able to swim with sharks. It was an experience I would never forget, one that would remain with me as a constant reminder of the good he had brought to my life in such a short time.

The following day after that was full of sightseeing. We walked for what felt like forever, but we got to see some cool places on the island that most tourists overlooked once they had seen the beautiful beaches. The Queens staircase and the Glass window bridge being my favorite sights.

Today was a special surprise though. Something I had managed to arrange last minute with some help from Julie. Since Mason was always with me, I had texted her to get her assistance with doing something on this trip for him.

Luckily for me she knew exactly what to do. I was sent the location and only left with the task of getting us both there. It seemed easy enough, the only hard part would be keeping it a surprise until we got there.

I just hoped he liked it.

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