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I'll admit that when Mason told me about his inheritance I was thrown off. He hadn't mentioned it before and while it stung that he hadn't told me, I was far more relieved that I was no longer a target.

We didn't discuss it further than that since he was going to work, and given my inability to go more than a few hours without throwing up, I wasn't exactly going anywhere anyway.

I decided to clean up and do some laundry, once that was done I set up my computer with the intention of doing some more studying for the LSAT. It was a long process and since I technically had more time before I could return to school, I figured it would be a good early start.

Unfortunately I found myself looking up ways to combat morning sickness, followed by making a shopping list of baby items, even though I knew it was still far too early for that.

When I was sure I had everything I could think of, I called my obgyn and set up an appointment in a couple of days to confirm everything and start the official process.

Me: set up my confirmation appointment. Thursday at 11am.

Husband: I'll be there, putting it in my calendar now.

Me: Thanks, how's work?

Husband: Not terrible, I'd rather be home though.

Me: Only a few more hours. I'll have dinner ready when you get home.

Husband: I'm a lucky man.

Me: You are! Get back to work. The quicker you finish the quicker you can come home.

Husband: Yes ma'am!

I set the phone back on the table and was about to pull up Netflix when the doorbell rang. I got up and checked the window before opening the door to Julie.

"Julie, it's good to see you." I smiled. I didn't want to tell her about being pregnant until we had it confirmed. I knew sometimes the store tests could be wrong and knowing how badly she wanted grandchildren I didn't want to disappoint her.

"You too dear, how are things." She hugged me as we went back into the living room.

"Good. Pretty busy."

"Is my son still a workaholic, or is he making an effort this time?" She asked.

"He's been great. There's some nights he's home late, but I really do support what he's trying to do." I felt a little defensive, especially after Sierra had said the same thing at the party.

"You don't know how happy that makes me. I really am glad you married my son Sophie. He needed someone like you, someone to make him see he needs to take a break too."

"I can't take the credit there, he knows I don't mind, he chooses to come home."

"That makes me happy to hear. So tell me what you've been up to?" She asked.

"Not much. I'm actually trying to find a hobby to keep me busy while I'm home."

"You don't want to go to school?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm just going to spend a little longer preparing. Mason wants me to look closer to here so I still need to figure out what my options are." I said trying to cover up for the real reason. "What about you?"

Before I knew it Julie and I had been talking for a few hours while I made and put a chicken and broccoli casserole in the oven.

Apparently she had gone on a questionable date with some guy, who she figured out fairly quickly wasn't for her. She had me laughing as she explained that she acted interested because she was hungry and they had already ordered.

"I'm not kidding, I honestly had to hide in the bathroom for over thirty minutes, just so he thought I left. This is why online dating isn't for the older generation."

It was as we were hysterically laughing and clutching our stomachs that Mason arrived home.

"Is it that late already?" Julie laughed.

"No mom." He said leaning over the couch to kiss my cheek. "Someone reminded me today that the quicker I finished my work, the quicker I got to come home." He winked at me as his mom smiled.

"As long as you're taking good care of her, that's all that matters." She gave him an indecipherable look and I figured I should get the casserole out of the oven.

"I'm going to get the food out of the oven, would you like to stay for dinner Julie?" I asked as I got up.

"No sweetie, I need to get home soon."

I nodded and went to the kitchen as they talked. I set the casserole on the stove top. I heard Julie say goodbye before Masons arms wrapped around my waist as his chest pressed against my back.

"How did you feel today?" He asked as I leaned back into him.

"It was okay. I didn't feel as sick today, but honestly most of my sickness has been either super early in the morning or at bed time."

His arms tightened around me a little as he kissed the back of my head. Once I was done putting food onto plates, he took them from the counter and set them on the table.

As we ate and talked about his work, and the future, before he explained how his inheritance was going to go towards our child, the day he or she was born.

I had decided not to question him about it, knowing that he probably had his reasons for not telling me about it. I mean he didn't know I wasn't a gold digger when he married me to save my parents and his inheritance really didn't matter to me, thus there was no reason to be upset about not knowing about it.

Mason cleared away the dishes when we were done and thankfully I didn't feel sick. It was still early, but we went upstairs anyway.

He put the TV on and pulled me into his side as we laid on top of the blankets. His hand was running through my hair as we watched some end of the world movie.

I was beginning to doze off when Mason shifted slightly beneath me, causing me to instinctively look up at him from where I was laid on his chest.

"Soph," his hand moved to my cheek as he brushed a finger across the front of my hairline. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm glad you're my wife. I know we weren't planning on having a baby, and honestly I don't know if I ever planned on it, but I'm glad it's with you."

"I.. honestly I didn't know what to expect when my parents told me I had to marry someone, especially a stranger, but I'm glad it's you too. I didn't want kids right now either, but I think you'll be a great dad and the fact your willing to support me tells me everything I need to know."

I didn't have the chance to say anything else because his lips connected with mine in such a way that the whole world could end, and I wouldn't even care that this was my last moment.

If I had thought I was falling for him before, I knew now that I was wrong. I was no longer falling, I was completely in love with this man.

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